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Acts of miscegenation: the imagination of B R Ambedkar

When: Tuesday, 09 April 2019 - Tuesday, 09 April 2019
Where: Braamfontein Campus East
CB 8, Robert Sobukwe Building
Start time:17:00

Feminist and independent scholar, V. Geetha will present this Thinking from the Global South Distinguished Lecture.

B. R. Ambedkar, radical democrat and state builder, in his critique of caste and untouchability, his unique sense of the modern moment in history and his reflections on the good and just society and polity, transcends his location within Indic as much as Anglo American traditions. How might we characterise these instances of concept-making? What do they tell us about the relationship between vernacular experiences and their English expressions? What acts of miscegnation helped to birth these concepts? Geetha address these questions in the context of a momentous event in modern Indian history: Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism, along with lakhs of his followers in 1956.

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