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Writing about city politics : The making of How to steal a city

When: Tuesday, 27 February 2018 - Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Where: Braamfontein Campus East
Dorothy Suskind Auditorium, John Moffat Building
Start time:16:00


The next seminar in the Faces of the City series will be presented by Crispian Olver, Research Fellow at the Public Affairs Research Institute.

The seminar will be based on the book, How to steal a city, authored by Olver. The seminar will explore different ways or perspectives for analysing city dynamics, and discuss some of the thorny ethical issues that confront researchers, including the role of the researcher as an actor within the city space. The book paints a world in which both heroes and villains share human frailties, questionable motives and endearing characteristics, and moral boundaries are not as clearly delineated as the author initially expected.


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