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Advantages of multilingual teaching and research for implementation of a university language policy

When: Friday, 02 November 2018 - Friday, 02 November 2018
Where: Braamfontein Campus East
Anthropology Museum, West Corridor, Robert Sobukwe Building
Start time:12:00

The seminar will discuss various aspects of university language policy implementation and the practice, pros and cons of multilingual teaching and research.

Speakers include:

  • Prof.  Mbulungeni Madiba (Associate Professor and Co-ordinator of the Multilingualism Education Project at the University of Cape Town) 
  • Prof. Innocentia Mhlambi (Associate Professor of African Languages, School of Literature, Language and Media at the University of the Witwatersrand)     
  • Prof.  Leketi Makalela (Professor of Languages, Literacies and Literatures, Wits School of Education, and Director of the Hub for Multilingual Education and Literacies (HuMEL) Research and Development Centre)  
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