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Resilience, social connectedness and education in challenging contexts

When: Friday, 19 May 2017 - Friday, 19 May 2017
Where: Parktown Education Campus
Staff Lounge, Bohlaleng Block
Start time:13:15
Enquiries: / (011) 717-3416

Professor Liesel Ebersöhn, from the University of Pretoria, will present on the above topic during the Wits School of Education Research Weekend.

How do teachers keep on teaching and students keep on learning in the presence of on-going poverty? How do they craft their lives to manage chronic adversity and remain in schools to teach and learn with positive outcomes?

 Ebersöhn will argue that, in challenging contexts with continued high structural disparity (comparable to that of South Africa) negative effects on education and well-being can be mitigated by using interventions that support teacher- and student resilience. In particular, such interventions need to be grounded on findings that social connectedness positively impacts on the attainment of positive outcomes, despite on-going contextual hardship.

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