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Imperialism, global governance and resistance

When: Friday, 28 October 2016 - Friday, 28 October 2016
Where: Parktown Management Campus
Donald Gordon Auditorium
Start time:9:00
Enquiries:  or 083 425 1401

Prominent Marxist economist and political commentator Prabhat Patnaik will present this lecture.

Patnaik will speak about how geopolitics, economic crisis and multilateralism's failures can be analysed and contested. One feature of the global economic and environmental crises still unfolding is the difficulty of their resolution through multilateral institutions.

Due to imperialist power relations applied to the regulation of finance, trade, commodity prices, labour and economic (in)equality, food security, military divisions of labour, and climate change, the multilateral system is dysfunctional. Multinational corporations and financial institutions remain the dominant forces.

Their systematic transfer of wealth is evident across Africa, including through chaotic minerals trade, illicit and licit financial flows, direct investments, labour migration and ecological degradation. But the system is unstable. Given the incoherence and incompetence of governance from above, what sorts of resistance sites, strategies and tactics are appropriate? Patnaik, will bring together with South African critics of imperialism, to compare notes on framing and resisting the next stage of the process.


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