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Friday, 01 April 2016 - Saturday, 30 April 2016

This exhibition opens at the Wits Art Museum.
Electric Dawn is the new project (released in November 2015 on Sospiro Records) from award winning British saxophonist Alastair Penman.
The Drama for Life (DFL) SA Season is back on home turf this year. The Season brings to its audiences the thought provoking theme of Forgotten Futures.
The Wits School of Arts (WSOA) will host a special screening of the film Force Majeure, directed by Ruben Östlund.
Coming out narratives of gay, lesbian and bisexual Muslims in Belgium.
The Development Studies Programme and the Inala Wits Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice Forum, will host this joint seminar presented by Nick Saul.
Professor Ashwani Kumar will present the Wits School of Education Wednesday Seminar.
The Music Division’s first –year students perform live.
Italian Studies in the School of Literature, Language and Media will host South African poet and writer, Mario d’Offizi, to talk about his memoir.