Monday, 23 October 2017 - Sunday, 29 October 2017
From Growth to Wellbeing: Why our development model is anachronistic and what to do about it
Event Time: 1:00 PM
Professor William Daniels from the School of Physiology will present his inaugural lecture on his body of research work into the human brain.
Event Time: 6:00 PM
Liv Tørres, Adjunct Professor in the Wits School of Governance and the Executive Director of the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo will present this lecture.
Event Time: 12:00 PM
The Wits Centre for Diversity Studies (WiCDS) hosts a panel discussion on race and representation in media and advertising.
Event Time: 2:00 PM
The NRF / British Academy Research Chair in Political Theory hosts Tendayi Sithole (UNISA) to present this public lecture.
Event Time: 12:00 PM