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New MOOC: Root Canal Preparation

- Wits University

Wits University has added a new course to its free, online WitsX/edX learning platform.

Starting on 5 October 2020, the seven week course, Root Canal Preparationwill help you learn how to navigate root canal systems in the 20th Century.

Root Canal Preparation WitsX course

About the course

Rotary endodontic instruments have revolutionised the methods and techniques used to prepare root canals. The past 2 decades has seen multiple advancements in the field of rotary instrumentation and thus a continuous effort to keep “up-to-date” is vital. This course will introduce participants to the foundational concepts of rotary instrumentation and magnification, and describes more recent file systems and techniques available to efficiently and successfully prepare root canals. The course is aimed at students and dental professionals who are fairly new to rotary endodontics or who wish to revisit fundamental concepts or learn about improvements in instrumentation.

Note: This course is based on material taught in accredited Wits courses, and can be used as course work at other universities.

Learning aims include

  • Define rotary endodontics, and explain the differences between rotary endodontics and manual endodontics
  • Recognise the benefits of using magnification, and the different types of magnification devices
  • Compare and contrast endodontic file systems and motors, and explain the benefits of each
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the concept and techniques of creating a glide path
  • Evaluate and select file motions during root canal preparation, identifying the benefits and limitations of such motions for differing root canal morphology.

Course information:

About WitsX on edX 

In 2014 Wits University became the first African University to partner with edX, the online learning destination founded by MIT and Harvard to offer massive open online courses (MOOCs) to a global learning audience. 

To date more than 144 000 students have enrolled on the WitsX platform that currently offers 14 free online courses.
