Wits Sport Peak Performance Summit 2018
When: | Thursday, 25 October 2018 - Friday, 26 October 2018 |
Where: | Braamfontein Campus West Wits Sport Sturrock Park, Pete Suzman Conference Venue, Raikes Road |
Start time: | 12:19 |
Enquiries: | Faith Mashile - 011 717 9403 |
RSVP: | faith.mashile@wits.ac.za |
Cost: | R1950 per delegate. R1650 per delegate when booking for four or more people. |
In conjunction with the CCDU, Wits Sport will host a number of key professional sporting individuals who've excelled in their respective sporting careers.
The summit will have a disticly international flavour with an eminent panel of guests speakers.
Panel discussions will focus on the importance of sport in an educational system, as well as perfoming under pressure.
Multi-agency cooperation and long term athlete development remain our passion and focus.
- Date: 25-26 October 2018
- Time: 08h30-16h00
- Place: Wits Sport Sturrock Park, Pete Suzman Conference Venue, Raikes Road
- Cost: R1950 per delegate. R1650 per delegate when booking for four or more people.
- Programme: Download the programme here.
- Enquiries: Faith Mashile, T:0117179403
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Book before 31 July 2018 at the reduced rate of only R1450 per delegate.
The closing date for registration and payment is Friday, 19 October 2018.
Banking details
Bank: First National Bank
Account name: University of the Witwatersrand - Sundry Debtors Account
Branch name : Client Services
Branch code : 210554
Account No. : 62077141580
Reference : 168034/Surname/PPS