Book talk of Professor Vivek Chibber's The Class Matrix
SCIS invites you to Prof Vivek Chibber's book talk on The Class Matrix on 9 October 2024. This event will be moderated by Prof Daryl Glaser.
The Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS) invites you to a talk on Professor Vikek Chibber's book titled The Class Matrix on 9 October 2024. The hybrid event will be moderated by Professor Daryl Glaser. It will occur online and in person at North Lodge, SCIS Seminar Room, Parktown Management Campus, Parktown, 2193.
About the author
Vivek Chibber is Professor of Sociology at New York University and the author of Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital and Locked in Place: State-Building and Late Industrialization in India. He is a contributor to the Socialist Register, American Journal of Sociology, Boston Review, New Left Review and the editor of Catalyst Journal.
About the moderator
Daryl Glaser is a Professor of Political Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He is the author of Politics and Society in South Africa (Sage 2001) and the editor of Mbeki and After (Wits University Press 2010) and Twentieth-Century Marxism (Routledge 2007). Glaser has published widely in
international journals including Political Studies, Politics and Society and Review of International Studies, and in African and Southern African area studies journals including, for example, Journal of Southern African Studies and African Affairs.