BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TERMINALFOUR//SITEMANAGER V7.3//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230517T090000 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:Workshop for postgraduate students, presented by Prof. Jasper KnightThis workshop has two components.PART 1 (3 hours) comprises formal training on research ethics, with a particular emphasis on social science research. This training is content based. There is a formal written assignment following this workshop. Successful completion of this assignment will allow participants to receive a Certificate of Competence in Research Ethics.
PART 2 (1 hour) describes how to apply for ethics clearance to the University Research Ethics Committee (Non-Medical) or to school ethics committees. This workshop will be relevant to Honours, Masters, PhD students as well as staff dealing with human subjects in their research projects. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Workshop for postgraduate students, presented by Prof. Jasper Knight
This workshop has two components.
PART 1 (3 hours) comprises formal training on research ethics, with a particular emphasis on social science research. This training is content based. There is a formal written assignment following this workshop. Successful completion of this assignment will allow participants to receive a Certificate of Competence in Research Ethics.
PART 2 (1 hour) describes how to apply for ethics clearance to the University Research Ethics Committee (Non-Medical) or to school ethics committees. This workshop will be relevant to Honours, Masters, PhD students as well as staff dealing with human subjects in their research projects.
SUMMARY:Research ethics training and applying for ethics clearance: non-medical END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR