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Inaugural Lecture of Professor AO Ihunwo

When: Wednesday, 07 September 2022
Senate Room, 2nd Floor, Solomon Mahlangu House, Braamfontein Campus East, Wits University
Start time:17:00


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Title: Generating New Neurons in the Adult Brain: Where do we stand?

Cell proliferation in the adult brain was an unacceptable concept over half a decade ago. Once this dogma was revoked, it became necessary to establish the phenomenon of adult neurogenesis in the adult brain which declines with age. We have provided the empirical data for the confirmation of this process in the adult mammalian and avian species strengthening the acceptance of such a phenomenon. Beyond this the question now becomes the functionality and the factors that can influence this process positively to warrant a continuous engagement in research and adjustment in lifestyle for better functioning of the adult brain.

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