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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TERMINALFOUR//SITEMANAGER V7.3//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230726T100000 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:The role of a university teacher is an exceptionally demanding one that comprises and combines teaching, research, and academic citizenship. This short course explores these roles and focuses on the expectations of a university teacher in a blended learning environment. Teaching methods, practices, tools, planning, microteaching, reviews, and feedback are included.
Who should attend?
University teachers who are new to teaching, or new to blended learning, and anyone interested in learning more about teaching in higher education.

Semester 2



26 July

10:00 — 12:00

02 August

10:00 — 12:00

16 August

10:00 — 12:00

23 August      

10:00 — 12:00

30 August

10:00 — 12:00



Sessions of 2 hours will be scheduled every Wednesday over 5 weeks at CLTD. In addition, there will be activities and requirements on the Ulwazi course, the link to which will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed.


The role of a university teacher is an exceptionally demanding one that comprises and combines teaching, research, and academic citizenship. This short course explores these roles and focuses on the expectations of a university teacher in a blended learning environment. Teaching methods, practices, tools, planning, microteaching, reviews, and feedback are included.

Who should attend?

University teachers who are new to teaching, or new to blended learning, and anyone interested in learning more about teaching in higher education.


Semester 2



26 July

10:00 — 12:00

02 August

10:00 — 12:00

16 August

10:00 — 12:00

23 August      

10:00 — 12:00

30 August

10:00 — 12:00



Sessions of 2 hours will be scheduled every Wednesday over 5 weeks at CLTD. In addition, there will be activities and requirements on the Ulwazi course, the link to which will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed.