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Project Planning in the Research Context

When: Friday, 09 September 2022
Where: Online Event
Start time:9:00

How do you plan a research project? Is it possible to plan research? The classical project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) is often unsuitable for research projects simply because it is impossible to estimate the time for each task. Research is, after all, a step into the unknown. Take heart, this does not mean your research project will descend into chaos. There are other ways of managing research projects that are agile enough to deal with the complexities of volatile research projects. Dr Robin Drennan, the Director for Research Development in the University Research Office, will describe some of these more agile project management techniques that will allow you to plan, in the absence of information and despite uncertainty, for the unknown.

Date: 9 September 2022 

Time: 09:00-13:00

Venue: Online (Meeting link will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed)

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