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Machine learning in practice: A primer on missing data

When: Thursday, 25 July 2019 - Thursday, 25 July 2019
Where: Braamfontein Campus West
The Liberty Actuarial Auditorium Room 112, First floor, Mathematical Sciences Laboratory Building
Start time:12:30
Enquiries: / 011 717 6272


James Allingham, Deep Learning Consultant at Wolfram, will present this seminar.

In the real world, datasets are often messy – it is common for values to be missing or corrupt. Examples include empty cells in spreadsheets, unanswered survey questions, or readings from faulty sensors. Unfortunately, despite the frequent occurrence of such defects, software engineers tend not to develop algorithms that are robust to missing values. As a result, many standard algorithms fail on such datasets. This talk will briefly discuss the theory of missing data and discuss practical approaches for dealing with missingness in real-world machine learning.

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