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A genealogy of the decolonial turn

When: Thursday, 07 March 2019 - Thursday, 07 March 2019
Where: Braamfontein Campus East
Senate Room, 2nd Floor, Solomon Mahlangu House
Start time:16:00

The Faculty of Humanities at Wits and the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) will host this public lecture.

ASSAf Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Professor Nelson Maldonado-Torres will deliver this lecture. Maldonado-Torres traces a genealogy of ‘The Decolonial Turn,’ in a set of ongoing reflections that bear the intention of decoloniality in the global south. This conversation is not one that views the project of decoloniality particularly spoken at a universities and the epistemological baggage of projects of transformation as ‘inclusion’, but seeks a language of transformation that directly confronts ongoing material, symbolic and epistemic dispossessions.


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