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Mirror quintic vacua: Hierarchies and inflation

When: Tuesday, 08 March 2016 - Tuesday, 08 March 2016
Where: Braamfontein Campus East
P216, Physics Building, Braamfontein Campus East
Start time:13:20

Dr Nana Cabo Bizet will present this seminar.

The Mandelstam and National Institutes for Theoretical Physics will host this seminar by Dr Nana Cabo Bizet (Wits). Bizet will discuss flux compactifications of type IIB string theory in certain Calabi Yau geometries. Close to a special point in parameter space, she finds vacua with physical hierarchies among the space time and compactification scales. Bizet explores cosmic inflation in this setup and finds that the system favours multi-field inflation rather than the usual axion monodromy inflation. 

Bizet will discuss flux compactifications of type IIB string theory in certain Calabi Yau geometries. Close to a special point in parameter space, she finds vacua with physical hierarchies among the space time and compactification scales. Bizet explores cosmic inflation in this setup and finds that the system favours multi-field inflation rather than the usual axion monodromy inflation. 

Bizet explores cosmic inflation in this setup and finds that the system favours multi-field inflation rather than the usual axion monodromy inflation. 

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