A Selection of WADDP Publications that Break the Frontiers of Science The WADDP has over 300 publications in ISI-accredited journals in the Pharmaceutical, Materials, Pharmacology, Medical, Biochemistry, ChemEng and Nano Sciences.
A Selection of WADDP Publications that Break the Frontiers of Science The WADDP has over 300 publications in ISI-accredited journals in the Pharmaceutical, Materials, Pharmacology, Medical, Biochemistry, ChemEng and Nano Sciences.
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Spread of ISI-accredited journals of WADDP publications (Source: Scopus):

AAPS Journal, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, AAPS PharmSciTech, Advances in Polymer Research, Artificial Cells Nanomedicine and Biotechnology, Ageing International, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Biofabrication, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine and the Immune System, Biomaterials, Bioengineering and Translational Medicine, Biomedical Materials, Biomedical Research International, Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition, Biomaterials Science, Biotechnology Advances, Cancers, Carbohydrate Polymers, Cells, Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces, Current Drug Delivery, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Drug Delivery and Development of Anti-HIV Microbicides, Drug Delivery, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, Drug Discovery Today, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Future Medicinal Chemistry, Future Microbiology, International Journal of Biotechnology, International Journal of Nanomedicine, International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, Journal of Bioequivalence and Bioavailability, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Journal of Controlled Release, Journal of Functional Foods, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, Journal of Nanomaterials, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Marine Drugs, Materials Letters, Materials Science and Engineering C, Materials, Medical Hypotheses, Molecules, Nanocomposites for Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration, Nanomedicine, Nature Scientific Reports, Natural Product Communications, Neurological Disorders New Research, Parkinson’s Disease, Patenting Nanomedicines Legal Aspects Intellectual Property and Grant Opportunities, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, Pharmaceutical Research, Pharmaceutics, Polymers, Progress In Neurobiology, Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst, Recent Patents on Drug Delivery and Formulation, Sensors, South African Journal of Science, Therapeutic Delivery Methods: A Concise Overview of Emerging Areas, Therapeutic Delivery, Tissue Engineering, Tissue Engineering C: Methods, Viruses

Publications 2023

1. Can Nanomedicinal Approaches Provide an Edge to The Efficacy of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors? S. Indermun, P. Kumar, M. Govender, Y.E. Choonara*, Current Medicinal Chemistry, https://doi.org/10.2174/0929867329666220618162303 

Publications 2022
  1. Customized 3D printed multi-drug systems: An effective and efficient approach to polypharmacy, Kundai R Mazarura, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara*, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 19(9), 1149-1163, https://doi.org/10.1080/17425247.2022.2121816.
  2. Functionalizing nanofibrous platforms for neural tissue engineering applications, Michelle Lategan, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara*, Drug Discovery Today, 27(5), 1381-1403, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drudis.2022.01.005.
  3. In Situ Forming Chitosan-Alginate Interpolymer Complex Bioplatform for Wound Healing and Regeneration, Hillary Mndlovu, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C du Toit, Yahya E Choonara*, AAPS PharmSciTech, 23(7), 1-19, https://doi.org/10.1208/s12249-022-02397-4.
  4. Synthesis and Cytotoxic Activity of 1,2,4-Triazolo-Linked Bis-Indolyl Conjugates as Dual Inhibitors of Tankyrase and PI3K, Prasanna A Yakkala, Samir R Panda, Syed Shafi, VGM Naidu, M Shahar Yar, Philemon N Ubanako, Samson A Adeyemi, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara*, Eugene V Radchenko, Vladimir A Palyulin, Ahmed Kamal, Molecules, 27(21), 7642, https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27217642.
  5. Development of a Eudragit-Chitosan Nanosystem for the pH-Dependent Transport of Duloxetine to the Brain: Synthesis, Characterization and In Silico Modeling Analysis, Pierre PD Kondiah, Sipho Mdanda, Sifiso S Makhathini, Thankhoe A Rants’o, Yahya E Choonara*, Nanofabrication, 7, https://doi.org/10.37819/nanofab.007.246.
  6. A nano-enabled biotinylated anti-LDL theranostic system to modulate systemic LDL cholesterol, Lisa Claire du Toit, Patrick Hulisani Demana, Yahya Essop Choonara*, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 122258, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.122258.
  7. Polysaccharide, fecal microbiota, and curcumin-based novel oral colon-targeted solid self-nanoemulsifying delivery system: formulation, characterization, and in-vitro anticancer evaluation, L Corrie, M Gulati, A Awasthi, S Vishwas, J Kaur, R Khursheed, R Kumar, A Kumar, M Imran, DK Chellappan, G Gupta, T de Jesus Andreoli Pinto, A Morris, YE Choonara*, J Adams, K Dua, SK Singh, Materials Today Chemistry, 26, 101165, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtchem.2022.101165.
  8. Biopolymer-Based Wound Dressings with Biochemical Cues for Cell-Instructive Wound Repair, Variksha Singh, Thashree Marimuthu, Maya M Makatini, Yahya E Choonara*, Polymers, 14(24), 5371. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14245371.
  9. Molecule (s) of Interest: I. Ionic Liquids–Gateway to Newer Nanotechnology Applications: Advanced Nanobiotechnical Uses’, Current Status, Emerging Trends, Challenges, and Prospects, Riaz A Khan, Hamdoon A Mohammed, Ghassan M Sulaiman, Amal Al Subaiyel, Arjunan Karuppaiah, Habibur Rahman, Sifiso Makhathini, Poornima Ramburrun, Yahya E Choonara*, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (22), 14346, https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms232214346.
  10. In Vivo Evaluation of Praziquantel-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles against S. mansoni Infection in Preclinical Murine Models, TA Adekiya, P Kumar, PPD Kondiah, P Ubanako, YE Choonara*, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (16), 9485.
  11. Dual Rifampicin and Isoniazid Mannose-Decorated Lipopolysaccharide Nanospheres for Macrophage-Targeted Lung Delivery, M Sumaila, P Kumar, P Ubanako, SA Adeyemi, YE Choonara*, Current Drug Delivery 2022; 19. https://doi.org/10.2174/1567201819666220812092556.
  12. Dissolvable zinc oxide nanoparticle-loaded wound dressing with preferential exudate absorption and hemostatic features, SP Ndlovu, TY Fonkui, P Kumar, YE Choonara*, DT Ndinteh, Polymer Bulletin, 1-28.
  13. Biomedical Applications of polymeric micelles in the treatment of diabetes mellitus: Current success and future approaches, J. Kaur, M. Gulati, F. Zacconi, H. Dureja, R. Loebenberg, S. Ansari, O. AlOmeir, A. Alam, D. Chellappan, G. Gupta, N. Kumar, T. Pinto, A. Morris, Y.E. Choonara*, J. Adams, K. Dua, S. Singh, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, https://doi.org/10.1080/17425247.2022.2087629.
  14. Linoleic Acid-Based Transferosomes for Topical Ocular Delivery of Cyclosporine A O Uwaezuoke, LC Du Toit, P Kumar, N Ally, YE Choonara*, Pharmaceutics 14 (8), 1695.
  15. In Vivo Evaluation of an Antibody-Functionalized Lipoidal Nanosystem for Schistosomiasis Intervention, TA Adekiya, P Kumar, PPD Kondiah, YE Choonara*, Pharmaceutics 14 (8), 1531.
  16. Cell Secretome Strategies for Controlled Drug Delivery and Wound-Healing Applications, R Ibrahim, H Mndlovu, P Kumar, SA Adeyemi, YE Choonara*, Polymers 14 (14), 2929.
  17. Advances in designing of polymeric micelles for biomedical application in brain related diseases, J. Kaur, M. Gulati, B. Kapoor, N. Kumar, P. Gupta, G. Gupta, D. Chellappan, H. Devkota, P. Prasher, S. Ansari, F. Alkhayl, M. Arshad, A. Morris, Y.E. Choonara*, J. Adams, K. Dua, S. Singh, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 361, 109960, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbi.2022.109960.
  18. An Oral 3D Printed PLGA-Tocopherol PEG Succinate Nanocomposite Hydrogel for High-Dose Methotrexate Delivery in Maintenance Chemotherapy, PPD. Kondiah, R. Thankhoe, S. Makhathini, S. Mdanda, Y.E. Choonara*, Biomedicines, 10(7), 1470. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10071470.
  19. Insights into innovative therapeutics for drug-resistant tuberculosis: Host-directed therapy and autophagy inducing modified nanoparticles, L.J. Khoza, P. Kumar, A. Dube, P.H. Demana, Y.E. Choonara*, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 622, 121893, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.121893.
  20. A nano-enclatherated-gel-composite for the treatment of alcohol abuse and addiction, F. Mia, M. Govender, S. Indermun, P. Kumar, L.C. du Toit, Y.E. Choonara*, Nanofabrication, 7, e002, https://doi.org/10.37819/nanofab.007.198.
  21. Recent patents on water-soluble polysaccharides for advanced drug delivery, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, Samson A Adeyemi, Yahya E Choonara*, 11(2), 75-88, https://doi.org/10.4155/ppa-2022-0004.
  22. Current advances in cell therapeutics: a biomacromolecules application perspective, S.A. Adeyemi, Y.E. Choonara*, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 19(5), 521-538, https://doi.org/10.1080/17425247.2022.2064844.
  23. Synthesis of Novel Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)-Coated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) for the Delivery of Paclitaxel with Enhanced In Vitro Anti-Proliferative Activity on A549 Lung Cancer Cells, L.M. Ngema, Adeyemi SA, Marimuthu T, Ubanako P, Wamwangi D, Choonara Y.E*. Pharmaceutics. 2022; 14(4):829, https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14040829.
  24. Synthesis of a novel monofilament bioabsorbable suture for biomedical applications, K.M de la Harpe, T. Marimuthu, PPD. Kondiah, P. Kumar, P. Ubanako, Y.E. Choonara*, J Biomed Mater Res. 1-22, https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm.b.35069.
  25. Development of Stable Nano-Sized Transfersomes as a Rectal Colloid for Enhanced Delivery of Cannabidiol, T. Moqejwa, T. Marimuthu, PPD. Kondiah, Y.E. Choonara*, Pharmaceutics, 14(4), 703, https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14040703.
  26. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a cyclic LyP-1-modified nanosystem for targeted endostatin delivery in a KYSE-30 cell xenograft athymic nude mice model, SA Adeyemi, YE Choonara*, Pharmaceuticals 15 (3), 353, https://doi.org/10.3390/ph15030353.
  27. Investigation of the 3D Printability of Covalently Cross-Linked Polypeptide-Based Hydrogels, J. Giliomee, L.C. du Toit, B. Klumperman, Y.E. Choonara*, ACS Omega 2022 7 (9), 7556-7571, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.1c05873.
  28. Design, preparation, and functionalization of nanobiomaterials for enhanced efficacy in current and future biomedical applications, P. Ramburrun, R.A. Khan, Y.E. Choonara*, Nanotechnology Reviews, 11(1), 1802-1826,  https://doi.org/10.1515/ntrev-2022-0106.
  29. Genipin-Crosslinked, Proteosaccharide Scaffolds for Potential Neural Tissue Engineering Applications, H. Cassimjee, P. Kumar, P. Ubanako, Y.E. Choonara*, Pharmaceutics 2022, 14 (2), 441,  https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14020441.
  30. Novel ferrocenylbisphosphonate hybrid compounds: Synthesis, characterization and potent activity against cancer cell lines, C.G. Anusionwu, BA Aderibigbe, SA Adeyemi, P. Ubanako, SO Oselusi, YE Choonara*, XY Mbianda, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 58, 116652, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmc.2022.116652.
  31. Functionalizing nanofibrous platforms for neural tissue engineering applications, M. Lategan, P. Kumar, Y.E. Choonara*, Drug Discovery Today, 27(5), 1381-1403, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drudis.2022.01.005.
  32. A Poly (Caprolactone)-Cellulose Nanocomposite Hydrogel for Transdermal Delivery of Hydrocortisone in Treating Psoriasis Vulgaris, PPD. Kondiah, T. Rants’o, S. Mdanda, LM. Mohlomi, YE. Choonara*, Polymers. 2022; 14(13), 2633, https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14132633.
  33. Dopamine-Loaded Polymer-Drug Conjugates for Potential Synergistic Anti-Cancer Treatment, Tobeka Naki, W Matshe, Philemon Ubanako, Samson A Adeyemi, MO Balogun, S Sinha Ray, Yahya E Choonara*, Blessing Atim Aderibigbe, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, 61(9), 1003-1020, https://doi.org/10.1080/25740881.2022.2029895.
  34. Comparison of laser nephelometric and HPLC techniques for efficient determination of solubility of ibuprofen and its 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex, F. Ssengooba, T. Marimuthu, E. Olivier, P. Demana, Y.E. Choonara*, South African Journal of Chemistry, 76, 49-55, https://dx.doi.org/10.17159/0379-4350/2022/v76a08.


Publications 2021
  1. Cholesterol‐Based Conjugates: Synthesis, Characterization and In Vitro Biological Studies, Ngoni Ruwizhi, Samson A Adeyemi, Philemon Ubanako, Eric Morifi, Youmbi T Fonkui, Derek T Ndinteh, Yahya E Choonara, Blessing A Aderibigbe, Chemistry Select, 6(43), 11985-11993. 
  2. Pharmacist-initiated antiretroviral therapy (PIMART), S Moodley, A Gray, N Schellack, F Venter, F Suleman, RB Walker, Y Choonara, I Truter, J Maimin, SF Malan, J Hattingh, JC Meyer, P Demana, I Kotzé, N Kubashe, TK Komape, S Van Wyk, M Eksteen, South African Medical Journal, 111(12), 1162-1163.
  3. Gellan-Xanthan Hydrogel Conduits with Intraluminal Electrospun Nanofibers as Physical, Chemical and Therapeutic Cues for Peripheral Nerve Repair, Poornima Ramburrun, Pradeep Kumar, Elias Ndobe, Yahya E Choonara, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(21), 11555.
  4. Recent advances in microneedle platforms for transdermal drug delivery technologies, Sipho Mdanda, Philemon Ubanako, Pierre PD Kondiah, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Polymers, 13(15), 2405.
  5. Advanced Hydrogels for the Controlled Delivery of Insulin, Shazia Mansoor, Pierre PD Kondiah and Yahya E. Choonara, Pharmaceutics, 13(12), 2113.
  6. In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo evaluation of a novel metal-liganded nanocomposite for the controlled release and improved oral bioavailability of sulpiride, GC M'bitsi-Ibouily, T Marimuthu, LC Du Toit, P Kumar, YE Choonara, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 102909.
  7. Lipopolysaccharide Nanosystems for the Enhancement of Oral Bioavailability, Mumuni Sumaila, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, AAPS PharmSciTech, 22(7), 1-25.
  8. Recent Advances in Chitosan and Alginate-based Hydrogels for Wound Healing Application, Cuthbert Kibungu, Pierre Pavan Demarco Kondiah, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Frontiers in Materials, 8, 681960.
  9. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Antibody-Functionalised, PEGylated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Targeted Ischemic Stroke Intervention, Patrick P. Komane, Pradeep Kumar and Yahya E. Choonara, Pharmaceutics 2021, 13(9), 1357.
  10. Three-Dimensional Printability of an ECM-Based Gelatin 2 Methacryloyl (GelMA) Biomaterial for Potential Neuroregeneration, Kate Da Silva, Pradeep Kumar, Sandy F. van Vuuren, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, ACS Omega, Published online.
  11. Thermogelling behaviour of PEG-enclatherated Methylcellulose/Alginate sols, Pradeep Kumar and Yahya E Choonara, Materials Research Express 8 105303.
  12. Fabrication and Characterisation of a Photo-Responsive, Injectable Nanosystem for Sustained Delivery of Macromolecules P Mahlumba, P Kumar, LC du Toit, MS Poka, P Ubanako, YE Choonara, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (7), 3359.
  13. Theranostic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Loaded with a Curcumin-Naphthoquinone Conjugate for Potential Cancer Intervention LG Freidus, P Kumar, T Marimuthu, P Pradeep, YE Choonara Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 8.
  14. Advanced Strategies for Tissue Engineering in Regenerative Medicine: A Biofabrication and Biopolymer Perspective, CR Lynch, PPD Kondiah, YE Choonara Molecules 26 (9), 2518. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26092518 
    Advances in Nano-Enabled Platforms for the Treatment of Depression FP Mutingwende, PPD Kondiah, P Ubanako, T Marimuthu, YE Choonara Polymers 13 (9), 1431.
  15. Evaluation of Composition Effects on the Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Polypeptide-Based Hydrogels for Potential Application in Wound Healing J Giliomee, LC du Toit, P Kumar, B Klumperman, YE Choonara Polymers 13 (11), 1828.
  16. Synthesis and therapeutic delivery approaches for praziquantel: a patent review (2010-present) TA Adekiya, P Kumar, PPD Kondiah, V Pillay, YE Choonara Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, 1-15.
  17. The Application of 3D-Printing and Nanotechnology for the Targeted Treatment of Osteosarcoma A Suleman, PPD Kondiah, M Mabrouk, YE Choonara Frontiers in Materials 8, 251.
  18. A Review on Engineered Magnetic Nanoparticles in Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma Targeted Therapy LM Ngema, SA Adeyemi, T Marimuthu, YE Choonara, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 120870.
  19. Visible light-curable water-soluble chitosan derivative, chitosan hydrogel, and preparation method: A patent evaluation of US2019202998A1, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar and Yahya E. Choonara, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, Mar 2021.
  20. Advances in carbohydrate-based polymers for the design of suture materials: A review, Kara M.de la Harpe, Pierre P.D.Kondiah, Thashree Marimuthu and Yahya E.Choonara, Carbohydrate Polymers, 261.
  21. An Injectable Nano-Enabled Thermogel to Attain Controlled Delivery of p11 Peptide for the Potential Treatment of Ocular Angiogenic Disorders of the Posterior Segment, Lisa Claire du Toit, Yahya Essop Choonara*, Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutics, 13(2), 176.
  22. Macroporous chitosan/methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) based cryosponges with unique morphology for tissue engineering applications, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara1*, Nature Scientific Reports, 11:3104, 1-20.
  23. Fouling in Ocular Devices: Implications for Drug Delivery, Bioactive Surface Immobilization, and Biomaterial Design, Onyinye J. Uwaezuoke, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay, and Yahya E. Choonara*, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, Epub ahead of print, accepted.
  24. Platelet-inspired therapeutics: current status, limitations, clinical implications, and future potential SM Kola, YE Choonara, P Kumar, PPD Kondiah, V Pillay Drug delivery and translational research 11 (1), 24-48.
Publications 2020


  1. 3D printing of extracellular matrix (ECM)-mimicking scaffolds: A critical review of the current ECM materials, Kate da Silva, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, early view, 2020.nthesis and Properties of CurNQ for the Theranostic Application in Ovarian Cancer Intervention, Lara G. Freidus, Pradeep Kumar, Thashree Marimuthu, Priyamvada Pradeep, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara*, 25, 4471.
  2. Repositioning N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): NAC-Loaded Electrospun Drug Delivery Scaffolding for Potential Neural Tissue Engineering Application, Gillian Mahumane, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara*, Pharmaceutics, 12, 934.
  3. Comparative nanofabrication of PLGA-Chitosan-PEG systems employing microfluidics and emulsification solvent evaporation techniques, Divesha Essa, Yahya E. Choonara*, Pierre PD Kondiah and Viness Pillay, Polymers 2020, 12, 1882, 2020.
  4. Platelet-inspired therapeutics: current status, limitations, clinical implications, and future potential, Sara M Kola, Yahya E Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre PD Kondiah and Viness Pillay, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 1-25, 2020.
  5. Hybrid thermo-responsive polymer systems and their biomedical applications, Tasken Sarwan, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara and Viness Pillay, Frontiers in Materials 7(73), 2020. 
  6. Dental biomaterials: challenges in the translation from lab to patient, Ebrahim Patel, Yahya E Choonara and Viness Pillay, South African Dental Journal 75(1), 16-28, 2020.
  7. Nanotechnology-based biopolymeric oral delivery platforms for advanced cancer treatment, Vanessa T Chivere, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara and Viness Pillay, Cancers 12(2), 522, 2020.
  8. Self-accelerating H2O2-responsive plasmonic nanovesicles for synergistic chemo/starving therapy of tumors, Yao Tang, Yuejia Ji, Chenglin Yi, Di Cheng, Bin Wang, Yun Fu, Yufang Xu, Xuhong Qian, Yahya E Choonara, Viness Pillay, Weiping Zhu, Yunen Liu, Zhihong Nie, Theranostics 10(19), 8691-8704, 2020.
  9. Discovery of novel tankyrase inhibitors through molecular docking-based virtual screening and molecular dynamics simulation studies, Vladimir P Berishvili, Alexander N Kuimov, Andrew E Voronkov, Eugene V Radchenko, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Viness Pillay, Ahmed Kamal and Vladimir A Palyulin, Molecules 25(14), 3171, 2020.
  10. Role of natural cellulose and hydrogel matrices in stem cell therapy of diabetic foot ulcer, Prasanna K Obulapuram, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Clement Penny and Viness Pillay, Sustainable Nanocellulose and Nanohydrogels from Natural Sources, Mico and Nano Technologies, 329-355, 2020.
  11. Carbon dots as nanotherapeutics for biomedical application, Eeman N Cohen, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Lisa C du Toit and Viness Pillay, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 26(19), 2207-2221, 2020.
  12. Hydrogel-based bioinks for 3D bioprinting in tissue regeneration, Previn Ramiah, Lisa C du Toit, Yahya E Choonara, Pierre PD Kondiah and Viness Pillay, Frontiers in Materials 7(76), 2020.
  13. Functionalized, vertically super-aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes for potential biomedical applications, Patrick P Komane, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(7), 2276, 2020.
  14. Nanotechnological paradigms for neurodegenerative disease interventions, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Pariksha J Kondiah, Lisa C du Toit and Viness Pillay, Advanced 3D-Printed Systems and Nanosystems for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering, 2020, 277-292, 2020.
  15. Hydrogel biomaterials for application in ocular drug delivery, Courtney R Lynch, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Lisa C du Toit, Naseer Ally and Viness Pillay, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 228, 2020.
  16. Recent progress in 3D-printed polymeric scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Pariksha J Kondiah, Thashree Marimuthu, Lisa C du Toit and Viness Pillay, Advanced 3D-Printed Systems and Nanosystems for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering, 2020, 59-81, 2020.
  17. 4D printing and beyond: where to from here? Lisa C du Toit, Yahya E Choonara, Pradeep Kumar and Viness Pillay, Advanced 3D-Printed Systems and Nanosystems for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering, 2020, 139-157, 2020.
  18. Oroactive dental biomaterials and their use in endodontic therapy, Ebrahim Patel, Priyamvada Pradeep, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 108(1), 201-212, 2020.
  19. Proteosaccharide combinations for tissue engineering applications, Henna Cassimjee, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Viness Pillay, Carbohydrate Polymers, 235, 115932, 2020.
  20. Synthesis of cerium oxide nanoparticles using various methods: Implications for biomedical applications, Mpume Nyoka, Yahya E Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre PD Kondiah, Viness Pillay, Nanomaterials 10(2), 242, 2020.
  21. The design of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) nanocarriers for medical applications, Divesha Essa, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Viness Pillay Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8(48), 2020.
  22. A review of nanotechnology for targeted anti-schistosomal therapy, Tayo A Adekiya, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8(32), 2020.
  23. Nanodrug delivery systems for the treatment of ovarian cancer, Jonathan M Pantshwa, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Viness Pillay, Cancers 12(1), 213, 2020.
  24. Bioplatform fabrication approaches affecting chitosan-based interpolymer complex properties and performance as wound dressings, Hilary Mndlovu, Lisa C du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Viness Pillay, Molecules 25(1), 222, 2020.
  25. Lipid–drug conjugates and associated carrier strategies for enhanced antiretroviral drug delivery, Funanani Takalani, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical development and technology 25(3), 267-280, 2020.
  26. A 3D bioprinted pseudo-bone drug delivery scaffold for bone tissue engineering, Pariksha J Kondiah, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutics 12(2), 166, 2020.
Publications 2019
  1. Folate-decorated, endostatin-loaded, nanoparticles for anti-proliferative chemotherapy in esophaegeal squamous cell carcinoma, Samson A. Adeyemi, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Thashree Marimuthu, Pierre P.D. Kondiah and Viness Pillay, 2019, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 119, 109450.
  2. 3D printed, controlled release, tritherapeutic tablet matrix for advanced anti-HIV-1 drug delivery, Margaret Siyawamwaya, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Pierre P.P.D. Kondiah, Viness Pillay, 2019, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 138, 99–110.
  3. The hemocompatibility of nanoparticles: A review of cell-nanoparticle interactions and hemostasis, Kara M. de la Harpe, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Yahya E. Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, 2019, Cells, 8(10), 1209.
  4. Polymer-based nanoparticle strategies for insulin delivery, Shazia Mansoor, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Polymers, 11(9), 1380.
  5. Advances in biodegradable nano-sized polymer-based ocular drug delivery, Courtney Lynch, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Naseer Ally and Viness Pillay, Polymers 2019, 11(8), 1371.
  6. Synthesis, characterisation and in vitro permeation, dissolution and cytotoxic evaluation of ruthenium(II)-liganded sulpiride and amino alcohol, Gretta M'bitsi-Ibouily, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya Choonara, Lisa du Toit, Priyamvada Pradeep, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, 2019, Scientific Reports, 9, 4146.
  7. Ionic Liquids as Potential and Synergistic Permeation Enhancers for Transdermal Drug Delivery, Zainul Sidat, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Yahya E. Choonara and Viness Pillay, 2019, Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 96. 
  8. Time-domain analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories using deep neural networks: Application to activity ranking of tankyrase inhibitors, Vladimir P. Berishvili, Valentin O. Perkin, Andrew E. Voronkov, Eugene V. Radchenko, Riyaz Syed, Chittireddy Venkata Ramana Reddy, Viness Pillay, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Ahmed Kamal, Vladimir A. Palyulin, Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling, 2019, 59(8), 3519-3532.
  9. Development and Mechanistic Insight into the Enhanced Cytotoxic Potential of Parvifloron D Albumin Nanoparticles in EGFR-Overexpressing Pancreatic Cancer Cells, Ana Santos-Rebelo, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Carla Eleutério, Mariana Figueira, Ana S. Viana, Lia Ascensão, Jesús Molpeceres, Patrícia Rijo, Isabel Correia, Joana Amaral, Susana Solá, Cecília M.P. Rodrigues, Maria Manuela Gaspar, Catarina Pinto Reis, 2019, Cancers, 11, 1733; doi: 10.3390/cancers11111733.
  10. Pre-processing of Medical Image Data for 3D Bioprinted Customised-Neural-Scaffolds, Kate Da Silva, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2019, Tissue Engineering C: Methods, 25(7), 401-410.
  11. Design and characterisation of PHBV-magnesium oleate directional nanofibers for neurosupport, Poornima Ramburrun, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2019, Biomedical Materials, 14, 065015.
  12. Development of a fluid-absorptive alginate-chitosan bioplatform for potential application as a wound dressing, Hillary Mndlovu, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Thashree Marimuthu, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2019, Carbohydrate Polymers, 222, 114988.
  13. Hypothesis: Can drug-loaded platelets be used as delivery vehicles for blood brain barrier penetration?, Sarah M. Kola, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2019, Medical Hypotheses, 125, 75–78.
  14. Antineoplastic Nano-Lipobubbles for Passively Targeted Ovarian Cancer Therapy, Derusha Frank, Sunaina Indermun, Mershen Govender, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2019, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 177, 160-168.
  15. Lipopolysaccharide Polyelectrolyte Complex for Oral Delivery of an Anti-tubercular Drug, Mumuni Sumaila, Poornima Ramburrun, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2019, AAPS PharmSciTech, 20:107.
  16. In Situ Thermo-co-Electroresponsive Mucogel for Controlled Release of Bioactive Agent, Olufemi D. Akilo, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Priyamvada Pradeep, Girish Modi, Viness Pillay, 2019, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 559, 255-270.
  17. Liposome-embedded, Polymeric Scaffold for Extended Delivery of Galantamine, Maluta Mufamadi, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Yahya Choonara, Prasanna Obulapuram, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Sunny Iyuke, Viness Pillay, 2019, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 50, 255-265.
  18. Functionalizing bioinks for 3D bioprinting applications, Azraa Parak, Priyamvada Pradeep, Lisa du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2019, Drug Discovery Today, 24(1), 198-205.
  19. Multifunctional magnetic nanowires: Design, fabrication, and future prospects as cancer therapeutics, Abu A Nana, Thashree Marimuthu, Pierre PD Kondiah, Yahya E Choonara, Lisa C du Toit, Viness Pillay, Cancers 11(12), 1956.
Publications 2018
  1. In Vitro and In Silico Analyses of Nicotine Release from a Gelisphere-Loaded Compressed Polymeric Matrix for Potential Parkinson’s Disease Interventions, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Lisa C du Toit, Neha Singh, Viness Pillay, 2018, Pharmaceutics, 10, 233; doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics10040233.
  2. Development of a novel polymeric nanocomposite complex for drugs with low bioavailability, Mduduzi N. Sithole, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Thashree Marimuthu, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Viness Pillay, 2018, AAPS PharmSciTech, 19(1), 303-314.
  3. In silico analytico-mathematical interpretation of biopolymeric assemblies: Quantification of energy surfaces and molecular attributes via atomistic simulations, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Bioengineering and Translational Medicine, 3, 222–231.
  4. Injectable, Intravitreal Hydrogel Devices for Posterior Segment Applications and Interventions, Muhammed Anwary, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Polymeric, 2018, Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 46:sup2, 1074-1081.
  5. 3D Scaffolds for brain tissue regeneration: Architectural challenges, Gillian Mahumane, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa du Toit, Yahya Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Biomaterials Science, 6, 2812-2837.
  6. Chemotherapeutic Efficacy of Implantable Antineoplastic-Treatment Protocols in an Optimal Mouse Model for Human Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Targeting, Jonathan M. Pantshwa, Khadija Rhoda, Sarah J. Clift, Priyamvada Pradeep, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Clement Penny, Viness Pillay, 2018, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, 3030. doi:10.3390/ijms19103030.
  7. Artificial, Triple-Layered, Nanomembranous Wound Patch for Potential Diabetic Foot Ulcer Intervention, Mostafa Mabrouk, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2018, Materials, 11, 2128; doi:10.3390/ma11112128.
  8. Therapeutic applications and pharmacoeconomics of microneedle technology, Jolanda Richter-Johnson, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. Du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2018, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 18:4, 359-369.
  9. 3D Printed, PVA-PAA Hydrogel loaded-2 Polycaprolactone Scaffold for the Delivery of Hydrophilic In-situ Formed Sodium Indomethacin, Mershen Govender, Sunaina Indermun, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Materials, 11, 1006; doi:10.3390/ma11061006.
  10. Dexamethasone-Loaded, PEGylated, Vertically Aligned, Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Potential Ischemic Stroke Intervention, Patrick P. Komane, Pradeep Kumar, Thashree Marimuthu, Lisa C. du Toit, Pierre P. D. Kondiah, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Molecules, 23, 1406; doi:10.3390/molecules23061406.
  11. Drug Delivery Strategies for Antivirals Against Hepatitis B Virus, Latavia Singh, Sunaina Indermun, Mershen Govender, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Viruses, 10, 267; doi:10.3390/v10050267.
  12. In Vitro-In Vivo Evaluation of an Oral Ghost Drug Delivery Device for the Delivery of Salmon Calcitonin, Angus Hibbins, Mershen Govender, Sunaina Indermun, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 107, 1605-1614.
  13. Customized Peptide Biomaterial Synthesis via an Environment-Reliant Auto-Programmer Stigmergic Approach, Ravindra V. Badhe, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Lisa C. du Toit, Divya Bijukumar, Dharmesh R. Chejara, Mostafa Mabrouk, Viness Pillay, 2018, Materials, 11(4), 609.
  14. Synthesis and biocompatibility of dual-responsive thermosonic injectable organogels based on crosslinked N-(isopropyl acrylamide) for tumour microenvironment targeting, A. Zardad, M. Mabrouk, T. Marimuthu, L. C. du Toit, P. Kumar, Y.E. Choonara, P.P.D. Kondiah, R. V. Badhe, D. R. Chejara, V. Pillay, 2018, Materials Science and Engineering C 90, 148–158.
  15. Advances in patented interpenetrating polymeric networks for biomedical applications, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Lisa C du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2018, Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst, 7(3), 99–101.
  16. A 3D bioprinted in situ conjugated-co-fabricated scaffold for potential bone tissue engineering applications, Mduduzi N. Sithole, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Thashree Marimuthu, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 106A: 1311–1321.
  17. Targeted Delivery of Amantadine-loaded Methacrylate Nanosphere-ligands for the Potential Treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Zamanzima Mazibuko, Sunaina Indermun, Mershen Govender, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Viness Pillay, 2018, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 21, 94-109.
  18. In Vitro, Ex Vivo and In Vivo Evaluation of a Dual pH/Redox Responsive Nanoliposomal Sludge for Transdermal Drug Delivery, Simphiwe Mavuso, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Lisa C. du Toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 107 (2018) 1028-1036.
  19. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of an oral Multi-Layered Multi-Disk Tablet for specialized chronotherapeutic drug delivery, Zaheeda Khan, Mershen Govender, Sunaina Indermun, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Leith C.R. Meyer, Viness Pillay, 2018, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 45, 39–44.
  20. Hypothesis: Apo-lactoferrin-Galantamine Proteo-Alkaloid Conjugate for Alzheimer’s Disease Intervention, Olufemi D. Akilo, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Priyamvada Pradeep, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2018, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 22(3), 1957-1963.
  21. Nanotechnology and Glycosaminoglycans: Paving the Way Forward for Ovarian Cancer Intervention, Yasar Hoosen, Priyamvada Pradeep, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19, 731.
  22. Alternative fluorophores designed for advanced molecular imaging, Lara G. Freidus, Priyamvada Pradeep, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2018, Drug Discovery Today, 23(1), 115-133.
Publications 2017
  1. The chemo-biological outreach of nano-biomaterials: implications for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Riaz A. Khan, Viness Pillay, 2017, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 23, 3538-3549.
  2. Development of an injectable pseudo-bone thermo-gel for application in small bone fractures, Pariksha J. Kondiah, Yahya E. Choonara, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Pradeep Kumar, Thashree Marimuthu, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 520, 39–48.
  3. Submicron matrices embedded in a polymeric caplet for extended intravaginal delivery of zidovudine, Felix Mashingaidze, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Vinesh Maharaj, Eckhart Buchmann, Viness Pillay, 2017, The AAPS Journal, 19, 6, 1745-1759.
  4. Outlook on the Application of Metal-Liganded Bioactives for Stimuli-Responsive Release, Gretta C. M’bitsi-Ibouily, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar ID , Lisa C. du Toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Pierre P. D. Kondiah and Viness Pillay, 2017, Molecules 2017, 22, 2065; doi:10.3390/molecules22122065.
  5. Design of a Versatile pH-Responsive Hydrogel for Potential Oral Delivery of Gastric-Sensitive Bioactives, Angus R. Hibbins, Pradeep Kumar ID , Yahya E. Choonara, Pierre P. D. Kondiah, Thashree Marimuthu, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, 2017, Polymers 2017, 9, 474; doi:10.3390/polym9100474.
  6. Synthesis, comparison, and optimization of a humic acid-quat10 polyelectrolyte complex by complexation-precipitation versus extrusion-spheronization, Margaret Siyawamwaya, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre P. D. Kondiah, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, AAPS PharmSciTech, 18(8):3116-3128.
  7. Development of a gastric absorptive, immediate responsive, oral protein-loaded versatile polymeric delivery system, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Yahya E. Choonara, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Thashree Marimuthu, Girish Modi, Viness Pillay, 2017, AAPS PharmSciTech, 18(7), 2479–2493.
  8. A novel multi-tiered experimental approach unfolding the mechanisms behind cyclodextrin-vitamin inclusion complexes for enhanced vitamin solubility and stability, Miles C. Braithwaite, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Viness Pillay, 2017, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 530, 113–127.
  9. Targeted nanotechnologies for cancer intervention: a patent review (2010-2016), Priyamvada Pradeep, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, 2017, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, 27(9), 1005-1019.
  10. Synthesis and Evaluation of a Sodium Alginate-4-Aminosalicylic Acid Based Microporous Hydrogel for Potential Viscosupplementation for Joint Injuries and Arthritis-Induced Conditions, Dharmesh R Chejara, Mostafa Mabrouk, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Ravindra V. Badhe, Lisa C. du Toit, Divya Bijukumar, Viness Pillay, 2017, Marine Drugs, 15(8), 257.
  11. In vivo evaluation of an Ultra-fast Disintegrating Wafer matrix: A molecular simulation approach to the ora-mucoadhesivity, Deshika Reddy, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Mershen Govender, Sunaina Indermun, Lisa C. du Toit, Leith C.R. Meyer, Viness Pillay, 2017, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 37, 123-133.
  12. Development of respirable rifampicin-loaded nano-lipomer composites by microemulsion-spray drying for pulmonary delivery, Jameel A.S. Mulla, Mostafa Mabrouk, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Dharmesh R. Chejara, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 41, 13-19.
  13. In Vivo Evaluation of a PEO-Gellan Gum Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Network for the Oral Delivery of Sulpiride, Famida G. Hoosain, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, AAPS PharmSciTech, 18(3), 654-670.
  14. Synthesis of novel amphiphilic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-b-poly(aspartic acid) nanomicelles for potential targeted chemotherapy in ovarian cancer, Jonathan Pantshwa, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Clement Penny, Viness Pillay, 2017, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 39, 308-323.
  15. Cellular internalisation kinetics and cytotoxic properties of statistically designed and optimised neo-geometric copper nanocrystals, Karmani Murugan, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, Materials Science and Engineering C, 78, 376–388.
  16. Design, characterization and optimization of lamivudine-loaded amphiphilic HA-g-ECL nanoparticles, Latavia Singh, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Avirup Chakraborty, Viness Pillay, 2017, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 39, 75-87.
  17. A review of semi-synthetic biopolymer complexes: modified polysaccharide nano-carriers for enhancement of oral drug bioavailability, Mduduzi N. Sithole, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay, 2017, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 22(2), 283-295.
  18. Ex Vivo and In Vivo Characterization of Interpolymeric Blend/Nanoenabled Gastroretentive Levodopa Delivery Systems, Ndidi C. Ngwuluka, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Leith Meyer, Tracy Snyman, Viness Pillay, 2017, Parkinson’s Disease, Article ID 7818123, doi:10.1155/2017/7818123.
  19. A review of the chemical modification techniques of starch, Nonhlanhla Masina, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Mershen Govender, Sunaina Indermun, Viness Pillay, 2017, Carbohydrate Polymers, 157, 1226–1236.
  20. Enhancement of the Oral Bioavailability of Felodipine Employing 8-Arm-Poly(Ethylene Glycol): In Vivo, In Vitro and In Silico Evaluation, Pius Fasinu, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Divya Bijukumar, Riaz A. Khan, Viness Pillay, 2017, AAPS PharmSciTech, 18(3), 617-628.
  21. Design and characterization of neurodurable gellan-xanthan pH-responsive hydrogels for controlled drug delivery, Poornima Ramburrun, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 14(3), 291-306.
  22. A composite chitosan-gelatin bi-layered, biomimetic macroporous scaffold for blood vessel tissue engineering, Ravindra V. Badhe, Divya Bijukumar, Dharmesh R. Chejara, Mostafa Mabrouk, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Viness Pillay, 2017, Carbohydrate Polymers, 157, 1215–1225.
  23. Induction of creep crack morphology in iron oxide microparticles: An outcome of the common-ion effect, Ravindra V. Badhe, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Olufemi D. Akilo, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, Materials Letters, 188, 417–422.
  24. Synthesis and in vitro characterization of a pH-responsive chitosanpolyethylenimine nanosystem for the delivery of therapeutic proteins, Samson A. Adeyemi, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 39, 266-276.
  25. Design and Characterization of Endostatin-Loaded Nanoparticles for In Vitro Antiangiogenesis in Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Samson A. Adeyemi, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, 2017, Journal of Nanomaterials, Article ID 2539065, doi:10.1155/2017/2539065.
  26. Functionalized Nanolipobubbles Embedded Within a Nanocomposite Hydrogel: A Molecular Bio-imaging and Biomechanical Analysis of the System, Maluta S. Mufamadi, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Sunny E. Iyuke, Viness Pillay, 2017, AAPS PharmSciTech, 18(3), 671-685.
  27. In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of a Hydrogel-Based Microneedle Device for Transdermal Electro-Modulated Analgesia, Sunaina Indermun, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Regina Luttge, Mershen Govender, Viness Pillay, 2017, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 106, 1111-1116.
  28. Implantable and transdermal polymeric drug delivery technologies for the treatment of central nervous system disorders, Thiresen Govender, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Divya Bijukumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Viness Pillay, 2017, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 22(4), 476-486.
Publications 2016
  1. 3D printing and the effect on medical costs: A new era? Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre P. Kondiah and Viness Pillay, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 16(1):23-32, 2016.
  2. Improving drug delivery technology for treating neurodegenerative diseases, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 13:7, 1029-1043, 2016.
  3. “On-the-spot” arresting of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans: Implications for ovarian adenocarcinoma recognition and intervention, Priyamvada Pradeep, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17, 1136, 2-8, 2016.
  4. A novel bile salts–lipase polymeric film-infused minitablet system for enhanced oral delivery of cholecalciferol, Miles C. Braithwaite, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lomas K. Tomar, Lisa C. du Toit, and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2015.1069329, Published Online, September 2016.
  5. Multi-target therapeutics for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, Priya Bawa, Priyamvada Pradeep, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, Drug Discovery Today, 21(12), 1886-1914, 2016. 
  6. Neo-geometric copper nanocrystals by competitive, dual surfactant-mediated facet adsorption controlling skin permeation, Karmani Murugan, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Materials, 9, 966, 1-14, 2016.
  7. A review of thermo- and ultrasound-responsive polymeric systems for delivery of chemotherapeutic agents, Az-Zamakhshariy Zardad, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Mostafa Mabrouk, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Viness Pillay, Polymers, 8(359), 1-22, 2016.
  8. Diagnosis and treatment of neurological and ischemic disorders employing carbon nanotube technology, Patrick P. Komane,Yahya E. Choonara,Lisa C. du Toit,Pradeep Kumar,Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2016, 1-19, 2016.                           
  9. Design and evaluation of an oral multiparticulate system for dual delivery of amoxicillin and lactobacillus acidophilus, Mershen Govender, Yahya E. Choonara, Sandy van Vuuren, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Future Microbiology, 11(9), 1133–1145, 2016.
  10. A dual pH/redox responsive copper-ligand nanoliposome bioactive complex for the treatment of chronic inflammation, Simphiwe Mavuso, Yahya E. Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Pierre P.D. Kondiah and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 509, 348–359, 2016.
  11. The influence of lyophilized emugel silica microspheres on the physicomechanical properties, in vitro bioactivity and biodegradation of a novel ciprofloxacin-loaded PCL/PAA scaffold, Mostafa Mabrouk, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Polymers 8, 232, 2016.
  12. Design of an in situ crosslinked eutectic tablet for enhanced delivery of gastro-sensitive proteins and peptides, Bibi Fatima Choonara, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 105 (2016) 2086-2098, 2016.
  13. Ca3(PO4)2 precipitated layering of an in situ hybridized PVA/Ca2O4Si nanofibrous antibacterial wound dressing, Mostafa Mabrouk,  Yahya E. Choonara , Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Sandy Van Vuuren and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 507, 41-49, 2016.              
  14. Polymeric networks for controlled release of drugs: A patent review, Lisa C, du toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar and Viness Pillay, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, 26:6, 703-717, 2016.
  15. A review of formulation techniques that impact the disintegration and mechanical properties of oramucosal drug delivery technologies, Martina Manyikana, Yahya E. Choonara, Lomas Kumar Tomar, Chary Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 21(3): 354–366, 2016.
  16. Poly(ethylene glycol) enclatherated pectin-mucin submicron matrices for intravaginal anti-HIV-1 drug delivery, Felix Mashingaidze, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Vinesh Maharaj, Eckhart Buchmann and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 503(1-2):16-28, 2016.
  17. Surfactant directed synthesis and self-assembly of geometric cytotoxic copper nanocrystals, Karmani Murugan, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C du Toit, Viness Pillay, South African Pharmacy Journal, 83:1, 38-40, 2016.
  18. 3D printing and the effect on medical costs: A new era?, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre P. Kondiah and Viness Pillay, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 16(1):23-32, 2016.
  19. An in vitro evaluation of a carmustine-loaded nano-co-plex for potential magnetic-targeted intranasal delivery to the brain, Olufemi D Akilo, Yahya E. Choonara, André M Strydom, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 16;500(1-2):196-209, 2016. 
  20. A humic acid-polyquaternium-10 stoichiometric self-assembled fibrous polyelectrolyte complex: Effect of pH on synthesis, characterization and drug release, Margaret Siyawamwaya, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre Kondiah, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Polymeric Materials, 65:11, 550-560, 2016.
  21. A bio-injectable algin-aminocaproic acid thixogel with tri-stimuli responsiveness, Carbohydrate Polymers, Dharmesh Chejara, Mostafa Mabrouk, Ravindra Badhe, Jameel Mulla, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Carbohydrate Polymers, 135 (2016) 324-333, 2016. 
  22. Design of an inflammation-sensitive polyelectrolyte-based topical drug delivery system for arthritis, Divya Bijukumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Karmani Murugan, Bibi Fatima Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, AAPS PharmSciTech, DOI:10.1208/s12249-015-0434-6, Published Online, 2016.
  23. Functionalized-nanolipobubbles embedded within a nanocomposite hydrogel: A molecular bio-imaging and biomechanical analysis of the system, Maluta S. Mufamadi, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Sunny E. Iyuke and Viness Pillay, AAPS PharmSciTech, DOI: 10.1208/s12249-016-0541-z, Published Online, May 2016.
  24. Intestinal targeting of ganciclovir release employing a novel HEC-PAA blended lyomatrix, Mostafa Mabrouk, Jameel A. S. Mulla, Pradeep Kumar, Dharmesh R. Chejara, Ravindra V. Badhe, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, and Viness Pillay, AAPSPharmSciTech, DOI: 10.1208/s12249-015-0442-6, Published Online, 2016.
  25. An electro-conductive fluid as a responsive implant for the controlled stimuli-release of diclofenac sodium, Divya Bijukumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2015.1073742, Published Online, 2016.
  26. A novel bile salts–lipase polymeric film-infused minitablet system for enhanced oral delivery of cholecalciferol, Miles C. Braithwaite, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lomas K. Tomar, Lisa C. du Toit, and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2015.1069329, Published Online, 2016.
  27. “On-the-spot” arresting of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans: Implications for ovarian adenocarcinoma recognition and intervention, Priyamvada Pradeep, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17, 1136, 2-8, 2016.
  28. A dual pH/redox responsive copper-ligand nanoliposome bioactive complex for the treatment of chronic inflammation, Simphiwe Mavuso, Yahya E. Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Pierre P.D. Kondiah and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 509, 348–359, 2016.
  29. The influence of lyophilized emugel silica microspheres on the physicomechanical properties, in vitro bioactivity and biodegradation of a novel ciprofloxacin-loaded PCL/PAA scaffold, Mostafa Mabrouk, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Polymers 8, 232, 2016.
  30. Design of an in situ crosslinked eutectic tablet for enhanced delivery of gastro-sensitive proteins and peptides, Bibi Fatima Choonara, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 105 (2016) 2086-2098, 2016.
  31. Improving drug delivery technology for treating neurodegenerative diseases, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 13:7, 1029-1043, 2016.
  32. Ca3(PO4)2 precipitated layering of an in situ hybridized PVA/Ca2O4Si nanofibrous antibacterial wound dressing, Mostafa Mabrouk, Yahya E. Choonara, Thashree Marimuthu, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Sandy Van Vuuren and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 507, 41-49, 2016.              
  33. Polymeric networks for controlled release of drugs: A patent review, Lisa C, du toit, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar and Viness Pillay, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, 26:6, 703-717, 2016.
  34. A review of formulation techniques that impact the disintegration and mechanical properties of oramucosal drug delivery technologies, Martina Manyikana, Yahya E. Choonara, Lomas Kumar Tomar, Chary Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 21(3): 354–366, 2016.
  35. Poly(ethylene glycol) enclatherated pectin-mucin submicron matrices for intravaginal anti-HIV-1 drug delivery, Felix Mashingaidze, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Vinesh Maharaj, Eckhart Buchmann and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 503(1-2):16-28, 2016.
  36. Surfactant directed synthesis and self-assembly of geometric cytotoxic copper nanocrystals, Karmani Murugan, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C du Toit, Viness Pillay, South African Pharmacy Journal, 83:1, 38-40, 2016.
  37. An in vitro evaluation of a carmustine-loaded nano-co-plex for potential magnetic-targeted intranasal delivery to the brain, Olufemi D Akilo, Yahya E. Choonara, André M Strydom, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 16;500(1-2):196-209, 2016.
  38. A humic acid-polyquaternium-10 stoichiometric self-assembled fibrous polyelectrolyte complex: Effect of pH on synthesis, characterization and drug release, Margaret Siyawamwaya, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre Kondiah, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Polymeric Materials, 65:11, 550-560, 2016.
  39. A bio-injectable algin-aminocaproic acid thixogel with tri-stimuli responsiveness, Carbohydrate Polymers, Dharmesh Chejara, Mostafa Mabrouk, Ravindra Badhe, Jameel Mulla, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Carbohydrate Polymers, 135 (2016) 324-333, 2016.
Publications 2015
  1. 3D printing in drug delivery formulation: You can dream it, design it and print it. How about patent it?, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation, 9(3), 192-193, 2015.
  2. Potential nanotechnologies and molecular targets in the quest for efficient chemotherapy in ovarian cancer, Khadija Rhoda, Yahya E Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Divya Bijukumar, Lisa C du Toit & Viness Pillay, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 12(4):613-634, 2015.
  3. In vitro pharmaceutical characterization and statistical optimization of a novel topically applied instantly-soluble solid eye drop matrix, Raeesa M. Moosa, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Trevor R. Carmichael and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2014.930488, Published Online, 2015.
  4. Ex vivo evaluation of a microneedle array device for transdermal application, Sunaina Indermun, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Sandy van Vuuren, Regina Luttge and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 496, 351–359, 2015.
  5. Development and in vivo evaluation of an implantable nano-enabled multipolymeric scaffold for the management of AIDS dementia complex (ADC), Sheri-lee Harilall, Yahya E. Choonara, Lomas Kumar Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Sunny E. Iyuke, Michael P. Danckwerts and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 496, 863–877, 2015.
  6. An optimized gastroretentive nanosystem for the delivery of levodopa, Ndidi C. Ngwuluka, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 494, 49–65, 2015.
  7. Bypassing P-glycoprotein drug efflux mechanisms: Possible applications in pharmacoresistant schizophrenia therapy, Famida Hoosain, Yahya E. Choonara, Lomas Tomar, Pradeep Kumar, Charu Tyagi, Lisa du Toit and Viness Pillay, Biomedical Research International, Article ID 484963, Published Online, August 2015. 
  8. A co-blended locust bean gum and polymethacrylate-NaCMC matrix to achieve zero-order release via hydro-erosive modulation, Ndidi C. Ngwuluka, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, and Viness Pillay, AAPS PharmSciTech, 16(6), 1377-1389, 2015.   
  9. Enhancement of the biomineralization and cellular adhesivity of polycaprolactone-based hollow porous microspheres via dopamine bio-activation for tissue engineering applications, Mostafa Mabrouk, Divya Bijukumar,  Jameel  AS Mulla, Dharmesh R. Chejara, Ravindra V. Badhe, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Materials Letters, 161(2015) 503–507, 2015.
  10. In vivo evaluation of a mucoadhesive polymeric caplet for intravaginal anti-HIV-1 delivery and development of a molecular mechanistic model for thermochemical characterization, Valence M. K. Ndesendo, Yahya E. Choonara, Leith C.R. Meyer, Pradeep Kumar, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 41(8):1274-87, 2015.
  11. Design of a novel crosslinked HEC-PAA porous hydrogel composite for dissolution rate and solubility enhancement of efavirenz, Mostafa Mabrouk, Dharmesh R. Chejara, Jameel AS  Mulla, Ravindra V. Badhe, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 490(1-2), 429-437, 2015.
  12. A Review: Overview of novel polyelectrolyte complexes as prospective drug bioavailability enhancers, Margaret Siyawamwaya, Yahya E. Choonara, Divya Bijukumar, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. Du Toit and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Polymeric Materials, 64(18), 955-968, 2015.
  13. Functionalized nanocarriers for enhanced bioactive delivery to squamous cell carcinomas: Targeting approaches and related biopharmaceutical aspects, Adeyemi S. Adebowale, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 21(22):3167-3180, 2015.
  14. Disulphide-thiol chemistry: A multi-faceted tool for macromolecular design and synthesis of polyfunctional materials for specialized drug delivery, Teboho Kgesa, Yahya E. Choonara, Charu Tyagi, Lomas K. Tomar, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Current Drug Delivery, 12(3), 282-298, 2015.
  15. A menthol-based solid dispersion technique for enhanced solubility and dissolution of sulfamethoxazole from an oral tablet matrix, Bibi F. Choonara, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi and Viness Pillay, AAPS PharmSciTech, 16(4), 771-786, 2015  
  16. A novel melt-dispersion technique for simplistic preparation of chlorpromazine-loaded polycaprolactone nanocapsules, Thiresen Govender, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo and Viness Pillay, Polymers, 7(6), 1145-1176, 2015.
  17. Carcinogenic nitrosamines in traditional beer as the cause of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in black South Africans, Charles Isaacson, Pride Mothobi, Martin Hale, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Mario Altini and Viness Pillay, South African Medical Journal, 105(8), 656-658, 2015.
  18. A gastro-resistant ovalbumin bi-layered mini-tablet-in-tablet system for the delivery of lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic to simulated human intestinal and colon conditions, Mershen Govender, Yahya Essop Choonara, Sandy van Vuuren, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa Claire du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 67(7), 939-50, 2015.
  19. In vitro pharmaceutical characterization and statistical optimization of a novel topically applied instantly-soluble solid eye drop matrix, Raeesa M. Moosa, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Trevor R. Carmichael and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 20(7), 854-862, 2015
  20. In vitro, ex vivo and in silico mechanistic elucidation of the performance of an optimized porosity-controlled multi-elemental transbuccal system, Oluwatoyin A. Adeleke, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Research, 32, 2384-2409, 2015.
  21. In silico mechanistic disposition and in vivo evaluation of zero-order drug release from a novel triple-layered tablet matrix, Kovanya Moodley, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 12(5), 693-713, 2015.
  22. A review of polymeric colloidal nanogels in transdermal drug delivery, Simphiwe Mavuso, Thashree Marimuthu, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 21(20), 2801-2813 (13),2015.
  23. Microwave-assisted facile synthesis of a new tri-block chitosan conjugate with improved mucoadhesion carbohydrate polymers, Ravindra V. Badhe, Rabindra K. Nanda, Dharmesh R. Chejara, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Carbohydrate Polymers, 130: 213–221, 2015.
  24. A novel pH-responsive interpolyelectrolyte hydrogel complex for the oral delivery of levodopa Part I: IPEC modeling and synthesis, Ndidi C. Ngwuluka, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Riaz A. Khan and Viness Pillay, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 103(3):1077-84, 2015.
  25. A novel pH-responsive interpolyelectrolyte hydrogel complex for the oral delivery of levodopa Part II: Characterization and formulation of an IPEC-based tablet matrix, Ndidi C. Ngwuluka, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Riaz A. Khan and Viness Pillay, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 103(3):1085-94, 2015.
  26. Design of chitospheres loaded with pristine polymer particles for extended drug delivery via polyelectrolyte complexation and particulate leaching, Poornima Ramburrun, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 1;479(1):189-206, 2015.
  27. A review of the potential role of nano-enabled drug delivery technologies in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Lessons learned from other neurodegenerative disorders, Zamanzima Mazibuko, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 104(4):1213-29, 2015.  
  28. Multifunctional therapeutic delivery strategies for effective neuro-regeneration following traumatic spinal cord injury, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara and Viness Pillay, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 21(12):1517-28, 2015.
  29. Parameters and characteristics governing cellular internalization and trans-barrier trafficking of nanostructures, Karmani Murugan, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Nanomedicine,10 2191–2206, 2015.
  30. In silico affinity profiling of neuroactive polyphenols for post-traumatic calpain inactivation: A molecular docking and atomistic simulation sensitivity analysis, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E Choonara and Viness Pillay, Molecules, 2015 Jan 23;20(1):135-68, 2015.
  31. In vivo evaluation of a mucoadhesive polymeric caplet for intravaginal anti-HIV-1 delivery and development of a molecular mechanistic model for thermochemical characterization, Valence M. K. Ndesendo, Yahya E. Choonara, Leith C.R. Meyer, Pradeep Kumar, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, DOI:10.3109/03639045.2014.947506, Published Online, 2015.
  32. A gastro-resistant ovalbumin bi-layered mini-tablet-in-tablet system for the delivery of lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic to simulated human intestinal and colon conditions, Mershen Govender, Yahya Essop Choonara, Sandy van Vuuren, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa Claire du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, DOI: 10.1111/jphp.12389, Published Online, Feb, 2015.
  33. In silico mechanistic disposition and in vivo evaluation of zero-order drug release from a novel triple-layered tablet matrix, Kovanya Moodley, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 12(5), 693-713, 2015.
Publications 2014
  1. Nanoparticulate strategies for the 5 R’s of traumatic spinal cord injury intervention: Restriction, repair, regeneration, restoration and reorganization, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, and Viness Pillay, Nanomedicine, 9(2), 331-348, 2014.
  2. A review of advanced oral drug delivery technologies facilitating the protection and absorption of protein and peptide molecules, Bibi F. Choonara, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Divya Bijukumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Biotechnology Advances, 32(7), 1269-1282, 2014.
  3. Synthesis of a semi-interpenetrating polymer network as a bioactive curcumin film, Naeema Mayet, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, AAPS PharmSciTech, 15(6), 1476-1489, 2014.
  4. The complex composition and interaction associated with signature microbiomic interventions, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara and Viness Pillay, South African Journal of Science, 110(11/12), 1.5, 2014.
  5. Development and validation of dot-ELISA on modified cellulose filter paper: a simplified novel approach, Charu Tyagi, Lomas K. Tomar, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay and Harpal Singh, Analytical Methods, 6, 7374-7383, 2014.
  6. Potential nanotechnologies and molecular targets in the quest for efficient chemotherapy in ovarian cancer, Khadija Rhoda, Yahya E Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Divya Bijukumar, Lisa C du Toit and Viness Pillay, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 12(5), 1-22, 2014.
  7. An epichlorohydrin-crosslinked semi-interpenetrating GG-PEO network as a xerogel matrix for sustained release of sulpiride, Famida G.Hoosain, Yahya E. Choonara, Lomas K.Tomar, Pradeep Kumar, Charu Tyagi, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, AAPS PharmSciTech, 15(5), , 1292-1306, 2014.
  8. A comprehensive review of advanced biopolymeric wound healing systems, Naeema Mayet, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 103(8), 2211–2230, 2014.
  9. A review of bioactive release from nerve conduits as a neurotherapeutic strategy for neuronal growth in peripheral nerve injury, Poornima Ramburrun, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Divya Bijukumar, Lisa du Toit and Viness Pillay, BioMed Research International, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 132350, 1-19, 2014.
  10. A review of integrating electroactive polymers as responsive systems for specialized drug delivery applications, Viness Pillay, Tong-Sheng Tsai, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar and Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research- Part A, 102(6), 2039–2054, 2014.
  11. Current Advances in the Fabrication of Microneedles for Transdermal Delivery, Sunaina Indermun, Regina Luttge, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi and Viness Pillay, Journal of Controlled Release, 185 130-138, 2014.
  12. In vivo evaluation and of a rapidly dissolving solid ocular matrix for the topical delivery of timolol maleate in the rabbit eye model, Raeesa Moosa, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, Trevor R. Carmichael and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 466(1-2), 296-306, 2014.
  13. In vivo and ex vivo evaluation of a multi-particulate composite construct for sustained transbuccal delivery of carbamazepine, Oluwatoyin A. Adeleke, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 103(4), 1157-1169, 2014.
  14. Patient-controlled analgesia: Therapeutic interventions using transdermal electro-activated and modulated (TEAM) drug delivery, Sunaina Indermun, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Regina Luttge and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 103(2), 353-366, 2014.
  15. In vitro, in vivo, and in silico evaluation of the bioresponsive behavior of an intelligent intraocular implant, Lisa C. du Toit, Trevor Carmichael, Thirumala Govender, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Research, 31(3), 607-634, 2014.
  16. Review of topically administered mini-tablets for drug delivery to the anterior segment of the eye, Raeesa Moosa, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Trevor Carmichael, Lomas Kumar Tomar, Charu Tyagi and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66(4), 490-506, 2014.
  17. Cur(Que)min: A neuroactive permutation of curcumin and quercetin for treating spinal cord injury, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo and Viness Pillay, Medical Hypothesis, 82:437-441, 2014.
  18. In silico elucidation of the inclusion phenomenon and permeation behavior of a zidovudine-cyclodextrin complex via static lattice atomistic simulation, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, and Viness Pillay, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 78:445-455, 2014.
  19. Electrospun nanofiber matrix with a mucoadhesive backing film for oramucosal drug delivery, Charu Tyagi, Lomas K. Tomar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 2(1), 81-85, 2014.
  20. Nutraceutical-based therapeutics and formulation strategies augmenting their efficiency to complement modern medicine: An overview, Miles C. Braithwaite, Charu Tyagi, Lomas K. Tomar, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Journal of Functional Foods, 6:82-99, 2014.
  21. An Overview of the Role of Nano-Technological Innovations in the Detection and Treatment of Solid Tumors, Derusha Frank, Charu Tyagi, Lomas Tomar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Clement Penny and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 9(1), 589-613, 2014.
  22. An interfacially plasticized electro-responsive hydrogel for transdermal electro-activated and modulated (TEAM) drug delivery, Sunaina Indermun, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Regina Luttge and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 462(1-2), 52-65, 2014.
  23. A review of the advancements in probiotic delivery: Conventional vs. non-conventional formulations for intestinal flora supplementation, Mershen Govender, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Sandy van Vuuren and Viness Pillay, AAPS PharmSciTech, 15(1), 29-43, 2014.
Publications 2013
  1. Micromechanical and physical stability analysis of an irradiated poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) donut-shaped minitablet device for intraocular implantation, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts, Trevor R. Carmichael, Lisa C. du Toit and Riaz A. Khan, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 18(5):1186-1203, 2013.
  2. A Novel Stimuli-Synchronized Alloy-Treated Matrix for Space-Defined Gastrointestinal Delivery of Mesalamine in the Large White Pig Model, Priya Bawa, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Leith C.R. Meyer and Viness Pillay, Journal of Controlled Release, 166(3):234-245, 2013.
  3. Evaluation of the impact of formulation variables and excipients on the drug release dynamics of a polyamide 6,10-based monolithic matrix using mathematical tools, Oluwatoyin A. Adeleke, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi and Viness Pillay, AAPSPharmSciTech, 14(4), 1349-1359, 2013.
  4. Prolonged Delivery of Ciprofloxacin and Diclofenac Sodium from a Polymeric Fibre Device for the Treatment of Peridontal Disease, Deanne Johnston, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa du Toit, Sandy van Vuuren and Viness Pillay, Biomedical Research International, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 460936, 1-15, 2013.
  5. Oral Bioavailability and Neuro-Availability vs. “Neuro-Transmittability”: A Figment of Imagination in the Conundrum of Neuronal Intervention, Viness Pillay, Pradeep Kumar and Yahya E Choonara, Journal of Bioequivalence and Bioavailability, 5(5), 1-2, 2013.
  6. A Mucoadhesive Electrospun Nanofibrous Matrix for Rapid Oramucosal Drug Delivery, Clare Dott, Charu Tyagi, Lomas Tomar, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2013, Article ID 924947, 1-19, 2013.
  7. Exploration of the Biomacromolecular Interactions of an Interpenetrating Proteo-Saccharide Hydrogel Network at the Mucosal Interface, Felix Mashingaidze, Yahya E. Choonara Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Vinesh Maharaj, Eckhart Buchmann, Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Viness Pillay, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research- Part A, 101A, 3616–3629, 2013.
  8. A Hybrid Methacrylate-Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose Interpolyelectrolyte Complex: Rheometry and In Silico Disposition for Controlled Drug Release, Ndidi Ngwuluka, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay, Materials, 6(10), 4284-4308, 2013.
  9. A Novel pH-Sensitive Interferon-β (INF-β) Oral Delivery System for Application in Multiple Sclerosis, Pierre P.D. Kondiah, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 456(2):459-72, 2013.
  10. Monolayered multipolymeric buccal films with drug and polymers of opposing solubilities for ARV therapy: Physico-mechanical evaluation and molecular mechanics modeling, Elsabé Jones, Elizabeth Ojewole, Viness Pillay, Pradeep Kumar, Sanjeev Rambharose, Thirumala Govender, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 455(1-2):197-212, 2013.
  11. Vitamin D Therapy and Related Metabolomics: Is the Calciferol Dose and Form the Only Requirements for Successful Clinical Therapeutics?, Miles C. Braithwaite, Pradeep Kumar, Charu Tyagi, Lomas K. Tomar, Yahya E. Choonara and Viness Pillay, Medical Hypothesis, 81(4), 656-663, 2013.
  12. Physicomechanical Characterization and Optimization of EDTA-mPEG and Avicel®-EDTA-mPEG In Situ Melt Dispersion Mini-Pellets, Angus R. Hibbins, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, AAPSPharmSciTech, 14(3), 935-949, 2013.
  13. A Novel Multi-Layered Multi-Disk Oral Tablet for Chronotherapeutic Drug Delivery, Zaheeda Khan, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa du Toit, Valence Ndesendo and Viness Pillay, Biomedical Research International, Volume 2013, Article ID 569470, 1-16, 2013.
  14. Design of an Anti-Inflammatory Composite Nanosystem and Evaluation of its Potential for Ocular Drug Delivery, Lisa C. du Toit, Thirumala Govender, Trevor Carmichael, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 102(8):2780-2805, 2013.
  15. Design and Pharmaceutical Evaluation of an Implantable Nano-Enabled Crosslinked Multipolymeric Scaffold for Prolonged Intracranial Release of Zidovudine, Sheri-lee Harilall, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Lomas K. Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit, Sunny E. Iyuke, Michael P. Danckwerts and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16(3) 470 - 485, 2013.
  16. Five Decades of Sci-Fi in Drug Delivery, Viness Pillay, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Yahya E. Choonara, Therapeutic Delivery 4(3), 2013.
  17. A Prospective Overview of the Essential Requirements in Molecular Modeling for Nanomedicine Design, Viness Pillay, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara and Riaz A. Khan, Future Medicinal Chemistry, 5(8), 929-946, 2013.
  18. Integration of Biosensors and Drug Delivery Technologies for Early Detection and Chronic Management of Illness, Mpho Ngoepe, Yahya E. Choonara, Charu Tyagi, Lomas K. Tomar, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Valence Ndesendo and Viness Pillay, Sensors, 13(6), 7680-7713, 2013.
  19. Modulation of the Nano-Tensile Mechanical Properties of Co-Blended Amphiphilic Alginate Fibers as Oradurable Biomaterials for Specialized Biomedical Application, Deanne Johnston, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit and Viness Pillay, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 23:80-102, 2013.
  20. A Review of Polymeric Refabrication Techniques to Modify Polymer Properties for Biomedical and Drug Delivery Applications, Viness Pillay, Ahmed Seedat, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar and Valence M. K. Ndesendo, AAPSPharmSci Tech, 14(2):692-711, 2013.
  21. Design of an Interpolyelectrolyte Gastroretentive Matrix for the Site-Specific Zero-Order Delivery of Levodopa in Parkinson’s disease, Ndidi C. Ngwuluka, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Viness Pillay, AAPSPharmSci Tech, 14(2):605-619, 2013.
  22. A Novel pH-Dependant and Double Crosslinked Polymethacrylate-Based Polysphere Matrix for Enteric Delivery of Isoniazid, Shivaan Cooppan, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Pradeep Kumar, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 18(5):1066-1077, 2013.
  23. Ligand-Functionalized Nanoliposomes for Targeted Delivery of Galantamine, Maluta S. Mufamadi, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Sandy van Vuuren, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Lisa C. du Toit, Sunny E. Iyuke and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 1;448(1):267-81, 2013.
  24. A Novel Gastric Release PEG-Enclatherated Polymethacrylate-Based Memblet System, Shivaan Cooppan, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Valence Ndesendo and Viness Pillay, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 4327-4338, 2013.
  25. In vivo evaluation of a conjugated poly(lactide-ethylene glycol) nanoparticle depot formulation for prolonged insulin delivery in the diabetic rabbit model, Lomas Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Manoj Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, Harpal Singh, Yahya E. Choonara and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 8:505-520, 2013.
  26. A Review of the Effect of Processing Variables on the Fabrication of Electrospun Nanofibers for Drug Delivery Applications, Viness Pillay, Clare Dott, Yahya E. Choonara, Charu Tyagi, Lomas Tomar, Pradeep Kumar, Lisa C. du Toit and Valence M. K. Ndesendo, Journal of Nanomaterials, volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 789289, 1-22.
  27. Flavonoids and Polymer-Derivatives as CYP3A4 Inhibitors for Improved Oral Drug Bioavailability: An In Vitro and In Silico Comparative Analysis, Pius Fasinu, Yahya E. Choonara, Riaz A. Khan, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Viness Pillay, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 102(2):541-555, 2013.
Publications 2012
  1. Surface-Engineered Nanoliposomes by Chelating Ligands for Modulating the Neurotoxicity Associated with β-Amyloid Aggregates of Alzheimer's disease, Steven Mufamadi, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Valence Ndesendo, Lisa C. du Toit, Leith C.R. Meyer, Sunny E. Iyuke and Viness Pillay, Pharmaceutical Research, 29, 3075–3089, 2012. 
  2. Exploration of a composite nano-medical device for the delivery of neuroprotectant-nanocarriers into targeted neuronal cells of Alzheimer's disease, Steven Mufamadi, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Pradeep Kumar, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Leith C.R. Meyer, Sunny E. Iyuke, Viness Pillay, European Journal of Neurology, 19(SI 1), 94-94, 2012.
  3. Design, biomolecular modelling and evaluation of surface-engineered nanoliposomes for the management of Alzheimer's disease, Steven Mufamadi, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Pradeep Kumar, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Leith C.R. Meyer, Sunny E. Iyuke, Viness Pillay, European Journal of Neurology, 19(SI 1), 445-445, 2012.
  4. Poly (PEGDMA-MAA) copolymeric micro and nanoparticles for oral insulin delivery: A molecular mechanistic revisit, Lomas Tomar, Charu Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa du Toit and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 1(2), 2277-3436, 2012.
  5. Physicomechanical transitions of an implantable nano-enabled biorobotic intracranial device for Alzheimer's disease management for validation of in vivo behaviour in a simulated brain environment, Steven Mufamadi, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Pradeep Kumar, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Leith C.R. Meyer, Sunny E. Iyuke, Viness Pillay, European Journal of Neurology, 19(SI 1), 102-102, 2012.
  6. Novel High-Viscosity Polyacrylamidated Chitosan for Neural Tissue Engineering: Fabrication of Anisotropic Neurodurable Scaffold via Molecular Disposition of Persulfate-Mediated Polymer Slicing and Complexation, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. Du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13, 13966-13984, 2012.
  7. Orally Administered Therapeutic Peptide Delivery: Enhanced Absorption through the Small Intestine using Permeation Enhancers, Viness Pillay, Angus Hibbins, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar and Valence M.K. Ndesendo, International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 18(3), 259-280, 2012.
  8. pH-Responsive polymeric nanoparticles for oral insulin delivery, Charu Tyagi, Lomas Tomar, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Harpal Singh and Viness Pillay, International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 1(2), 2012.
  9. Composite Polylactic-Methacrylic Acid Copolymer Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Methotrexate, Bongani Sibeko, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Riaz Khan, Valence Ndesendo, Pradeep Kumar, Sunny Iyuke and Viness Pillay, Journal of Drug Delivery, volume 2012, 1-18, 2012.
  10. In vitro evaluation of the physicochemical effects of drug-loaded carbon nanotubes on toxicity, Nyaradzo Chigumbu, Sunny Iyuke, Viness Pillay and Sehliselo Ndlovu, Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology, 3(4), 1-7, 2012. 
  11. Optimization of a polymer composite employing molecular mechanic simulations and artificial neural networks for a novel intravaginal bioadhesive drug delivery device, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Eckhart Buchmann, Leith C.R. Meyer and Riaz A. Khan, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 17(4), 407-420, 2012.
  12. Advanced preformulation investigations for the development of a lead intravaginal bioadhesive polymeric device, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Eckhart Buchmann, Pradeep Kumar, Riaz A. Khan and Leith C.R. Meyer, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 38(3):271-93, 2012.
  13. Crosslinked electrospun PVA nanofibrous membranes: Elucidation of their physicochemical, physicomechanical and molecular disposition, Rubina Shaikh, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Pradeep Kumar, Biofabrication, 4(2):025002, 2012.
  14. Qualitative and Quantitative Intravaginal Targeting: Key to anti-HIV-1 Microbicide Delivery from Test-Tube to In Vivo Success, Viness Pillay, Felix Mashingaidze, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence Ndesendo and Pradeep Kumar, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 101:1950–1968, 2012.
  15. Optimization of a dual mechanism gastrofloatable and gastroadhesive delivery system for narrow absorption window drugs, Caragh S. Murphy, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Nthato Chirwa and Pradeep Kumar, AAPS PharmSciTech, 13(1):1-15, 2012.
  16. The application of a crosslinked pectin-based wafer system for gradual buccal drug delivery, Rubina P. Shaikh, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Pradeep Kumar and Riaz A. Khan, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 100(4):1029-43, 2012.
  17. Oral drug delivery systems comprising altered geometric configurations for controlled drug delivery, Kovanya Moodley, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Shivaan Cooppan, Priya Bawa and Pradeep Kumar, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13, 18-43, 2012.
Publications 2011
  1. Polymeric emulsion and crosslink-mediated synthesis of super-stable nanoparticles as sustained-release anti-tuberculosis drug carriers, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Lisa C. du Toit, Riaz A. Khan, Caragh S. Murphy and Debbie-Leigh Jarvis, Colloids And Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 87, 243-254, 2011.
  2. In vivo evaluation of a biodegradable donut-shaped minitablet for prolonged posterior segment drug delivery in the rabbit eye model, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts, Trevor Carmichael, Leith Meyer, Lisa C. du Toit, Simon Naylor and Carla Wanblad, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100(5), 1819-1832, 2011.
  3. Fabrication, modeling and characterization of multi-crosslinked methacrylate copolymeric nanoparticles for oral drug delivery, Ndidi C. Ngwuluka, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Riaz A. Khan, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 12(9), 6194-6225, 2011.
  4. Recent advances in the design of drug-loaded polymeric implants for the enhanced treatment of solid tumors, Ameena Wadee, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Clement Penny, Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Caragh S. Murphy, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 8(10), 1323-1340, 2011.
  5. Invited Paper Focus Issue on Liposomes: A review on composite liposomal technologies for specialized drug delivery, Maluta S. Mufamadi, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. Du Toit Girish Modi Dinesh Naidoo and Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Journal of Drug Delivery, volume (2011), 1-19, 2011.
  6. Polymeric Intracorporeal Devices for the Management of Neurological Disorders, Viness Pillay, Thiresen Govender, Yahya E. Choonara, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi and Dinesh Naidoo, Polymers Research Journal, 4(2-3), Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge, NY, USA, 2011. 
  7. Diverse approaches for the enhancement of oral drug bioavailability, Pius Fasinu, Viness Pillay, Valence Ndesendo, Lisa du Toit, Yahya Choonara, Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition, 32, 185–209, 2011.
  8. A composite polyelectrolytic matrix for controlled drug delivery, Priya Bawa, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Pradeep Kumar, AAPS PharmSciTech, Published Online, 12(1), 227-238, 2011. 
  9. In vivo evaluation of the release of zidovudine and polystyrene sulfonate from a dual intravaginal bioadhesive polymeric device in the pig model, Valence M. K. Ndesendo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Leith C.R. Meyer, Eckhart Buchmann, Riaz A. Khan and Pradeep Kumar, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100(4), 1416-1435, 2011.
  10. Investigating the effect of polymeric approaches on circulation time and physical properties of nanobubbles, Lisa C. du Toit, Thirumala Govender, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Tetsuya Kodama, Pharmaceutical Research, 28(3), 494-504, 2011.
  11. In silico theoretical drug modeling for Alzheimer’s disease: The nicotine – curcumin paradigm in neuro-protection and neuro-therapy, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 12, 694-724, 2011.
  12. Polyvinyl alcohol-polyaniline based electro-conductive hydrogels for controlled stimuli-responsive liberation of indomethacin, Tong-Sheng Tsai, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo and Pradeep Kumar, Polymers, 3, 150-172, 2011.
  13. Ocular drug delivery – A look toward nanobioadhesives, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 8(1), 71-94, 2011.
  14. Self-assembling peptides: Implications for patenting in drug delivery and tissue engineering, Pradeep Kumar, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Lisa C. du Toit, Recent Patents on Drug Delivery and Formulation, 5(1), 24-51, 2011.
Publications 2010
  1. A review of implantable intravitreal drug delivery technologies for the treatment of posterior chamber eye diseases, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts, Trevor R. Carmichael and Lisa C. du Toit, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 99, 2219-2239, 2010.
  2. The influence of polyamide 6,10 synthesis variables on the physicochemical characteristics and drug release kinetics from a monolithic tablet matrix, Oluwatoyin Kolawole, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit and Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 15(6), 595-612, 2010.
  3. An intracranial neurocompatible nanocomposite polymeric device for the chronic management of AIDS Dementia Complex, Riaz A. Khan, Sheri-Lee Harilall, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Sunny E. Iyuke, Nanotechnology 2010: Bio Sensors, Instruments, Medical, Environment and Energy-Technical Proceedings of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2010, 3, 361-363, 2010.
  4. Triple-layered solid matrix tablet configurations for constant multiple drug delivery, Kovanya Moddley, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Lisa C. du Toit, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 62(10), 1313-1314, 2010.
  5. Elucidation of the potential of starch-based multiparticulates for use as a platform in novel drug delivery systems, Yusuf Dawood, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Lisa C. du Toit, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 62(10), 1429-1430, 2010.
  6. A polyamide-based membranous device for specialized drug delivery, Thiresen Govender, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Girish Modi and Dinesh Naidoo, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 62(10), 1243-1244, 2010.
  7. Biological rhythms and chronopharmaceuticals: A timely review of state-of-the-art chronopharmaceuticals synchronized with biological rhythms, Seshni Sewlall, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara Valence M.K. Ndesendo and Lisa C. du Toit, Current Drug Delivery, 7(5), 370-388, 2010.
  8. Rationalising fixed dose combinations for tuberculosis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome therapy, Shivaan Cooppan, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit and Valence M.K. Ndesendo, International Journal of Biotechnology, 11(3/4), 284-304, 2010.
  9. Investigation of the physicochemical and physicomechanical properties of a novel intravaginal bioadhesive polymeric device in the pig model, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Leith C.R. Meyer, Eckhart Buchmann, Lisa C. du Toit, Riaz A. Khan and Uwe Rosin, AAPS PharmSciTech, 11(2), 793-808, 2010.
  10. Encapsulation of essential oils within a polymeric liposomal formulation for enhancement of antimicrobial efficacy, Ashleigh Parry, Sandy van Vuuren, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, Natural Product Communications, 5(9), 1401-1408, 2010.
  11. A review of multi-responsive membranous systems for rate-modulated drug delivery, Rubina P. Shaikh, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence MK Ndesendo, Priya Bawa, Shivaan Cooppan, AAPS PharmSciTech, 11, 441-459, 2010.
  12. Construction and in vitro characterization of an optimized porosity-enabled amalgamated matrix for sustained transbuccal drug delivery, Oluwatoyin Adeleke, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Lisa C. du Toit, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 391, 79-89, 2010.
  13. Nano-microbicides: Challenges in drug delivery, patient ethics and intellectual property in the war against HIV/AIDS, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 62, 532-546, 2010.
  14. Advances in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders employing nanotechnology, Girish Modi, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1184, 154-172, 2010.
  15. Levodopa delivery systems: Advancements in delivery of the gold standard, Ndidi Ngwuluka, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence MK Ndesendo, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 7(2), 203-224, 2010.
  16. A mathematical approach for the simultaneous in vitro spectrophotometric analysis of rifampicin and isoniazid from modified release anti-TB drug delivery systems, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, Current Drug Delivery, 7, 5-12, 2010.
Publications 2009
  1. Trends in the molecular pathogenesis and clinical therapeutics of common neurodegenerative disorders, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Sibongile R. Sibambo, Girish Modi, Lisa C. du Toit, Dinesh Naidoo and Valence M.K. Ndesendo, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10, 2510-2557, 2009.
  2. Design, biometric simulation and optimization of a nano-enabled scaffold device for enhanced delivery of dopamine to the brain, Samantha Pillay, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Dinesh Naidoo, Riaz A. Khan, Lisa C. du Toit, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Girish Modi, Michael P. Danckwerts and Sunny E. Iyuke, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 382, 277-290, 2009.
  3. Gastroretentive drug delivery systems: Current developments in novel system design and evaluation, Caragh S. Murphy, Viness Pillay Yahya E. Choonara and Lisa C. du Toit, Current Drug Delivery, 6, 451-460, 2009.
  4. Drug delivery technologies for chronotherapeutic applications, Zaheeda Khan, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Lisa C. du Toit, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 14(6), 602-612, 2009.
  5. Rapidly disintegrating oramucosal drug delivery technologies, Deshika Reddy, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Lisa C. du Toit, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 14(6), 588-601, 2009.
  6. Kinetic and structural modeling mechanisms of melatonin transport from an electrolytically regulated salted-out PLGA scaffold, Sibongile R. Sibambo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Riaz A. Khan, Lisa C. du Toit and Clement Penny, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 24, 266-296, 2009.
  7. Stimuli-responsive polymers and their application in drug delivery, Priya Bawa, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Lisa C. du Toit, Biomedical Materials, 4, 1-15, 2009.
  8. Computational molecular modeling and structural rationalization for the design of a drug-loaded PLLA/PVA biopolymeric membrane, Bongani Sibeko, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Riaz A. Khan, Girish M. Modi, Sunny E. Iyuke, Dinesh Naidoo and Michael P. Danckwerts, Biomedical Materials, 4, 1-11, 2009.
  9. Mechanistic evaluation of alginate-HEC gelisphere compacts for controlled intrastriatal nicotine release in Parkinson ’s disease, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Riaz A. Khan, Neha Singh and Lisa C. du Toit, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 98, 2059-2072, 2009.
  10. Nanotechnological applications for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, Girish Modi Viness Pillay Yahya E. Choonara, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Lisa C. du Toit and Dinesh Naidoo, Progress in Neurobiology, 88, 272-285, 2009.
  11. In vitro and ex vivo bioadhesivity analysis of polymeric intravaginal caplets using physicomechanics and computational structural modeling, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Riaz A. Khan, Leith Meyer, Eckhart Buchmann and Uwe Rosin, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 370, 151–159, 2009.
Publications 2008
  1. Chemometric, physicomechanical and rheological analysis of the sol-gel dynamics and degree of crosslinking of glycosidic polymers, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay Neha Singh, Riaz Khan and Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Biomedical Materials, 3(2), 1-15, 2008.
  2. A review of current intravaginal drug delivery approaches employed for the prophylaxis of HIV/AIDS and prevention of sexually transmitted infections, Valence M.K. Ndesendo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Eckhart Buchmann, David N. Bayever, and Leith C.R. Meyer, AAPS PharmSciTech, 2008, 9(2), 505-520, 2008.
  3. Formulation and evaluation of a salted-out isoniazid-loaded nanosystem, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Sunny E. Iyuke, AAPS PharmSciTech, 9(1), 174-181, 2008.
  4. A novel salted-out and subsequently crosslinked poly-lactic co-glycolic acid polymeric scaffold applied to monolithic drug delivery, Sibongile R. Sibambo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, and Clement Penny, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 23, 132-153, 2008.
  5. Comparing the mucoadhesivity and drug release mechanisms of various polymeric-containing propranolol buccal tablets, Ashmitha P. Munasur, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Irene Mackraj and Thirumala Govender, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 34:2, 189-198, 2008. 
  6. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of dopamine-loaded cellulose acetate phthalate nanoparticles dispersed within a scaffold for intracranial implantation, Samantha Pillay, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Girish M. Modi, Sunny E. Iyuke and Michael P. Danckwerts, South African Pharmaceutical Journal, 75(2), 44-45, 2008.
  7. Formulation and statistical optimization of a novel crosslinked polymeric anti-tuberculosis drug delivery system, Lisa Claire Du Toit, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts and Clement Penny, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 97(6), 2176-2207, 2008.
Publications 2007
  1. Studies on a novel doughnut-shaped minitablet for intraocular drug delivery, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Trevor Carmichael and Michael P. Danckwerts, AAPS PharmSciTech, 8(4), 1-7, 2007.
  2. Formulation and evaluation of an implantable polymeric configuration for application in AIDS Dementia Complex utilizing nanotechnology, Sheri-lee Harilall, Viness Pillay and Yahya Choonara, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Scientific Proceedings, supplement 1, A-56, 2007.
  3. Design and development of a novel controlled release PLGA alginate-pectinate polyspheric drug delivery system, Joe L. Sweet, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, Drug Delivery, 14(5), 309-318, 2007.
  4. Novel polyamide 6,10 variants synthesized by modified interfacial polymerization for application as a rate-modulated monolithic drug delivery system, Oluwatoyin A. Kolawole, Viness Pillay and Yahya E. Choonara, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 22, 281-313, 2007.
  5. Patenting of nanopharmaceuticals in drug delivery: No small issue, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Samantha Pillay and Sheri-Lee Harilall, Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation, 1(2), 131-142, 2007.
  6. Elucidation of the physicochemical and ab initio quantum energy transitions of a crosslinked PLGA scaffold, Sibongile Sibambo, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Riaz A. Khan and Joe L. Sweet, Biomaterials, 28, 3714-3723, 2007.
  7. A novel cellulose-based hydrophilic wafer matrix for rapid bioactive delivery, Rupal Patel, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara and Thirumala Govender, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 22, 119-142, 2007.
  8. Advances in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Neha Singh, Yahya E. Choonara and Viness Pillay, Progress in Neurobiology, 81, 29-44, 2007.
Publications 2006
  1. An in vitro study of the design and development of a novel doughnut-shaped minitablet for intraocular implantation, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Trevor R. Carmichael and Michael P. Danckwerts, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 310, 15-24, 2006.
  2. Enhancing drug incorporation into tetracycline-loaded chitosan microspheres for periodontal therapy, Sueshri Govender, Dhamend Lutchman, Viness Pillay, Dushen J. Chetty and Thirumala Govender, Journal of Microencapsulation, 23(7), 750-761, 2006.
  3. Tuberculosis chemotherapy: Current drug delivery approaches, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts, Respiratory Research, 7:118, 1-18, 2006.
  4. Statistical optimization and characterization of multipolymeric propranolol containing matrices for buccal therapy, Ashmita P. Munasur, Viness Pillay, Dushen J. Chetty and Thirumala Govender, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 323(1-2), 43-51, 2006.
  5. Cross-linked chitosan matrix-based multiple-unit drug delivery systems, Weiyang Chen, Zhilei Lu, Gill Enslin, Eugene Olivier, Viness Pillay, Jan Steenkamp and Josias Hamman, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 16(3), 191-196, 2006.
  6. Formulation and statistical optimization of novel double-incorporated PLA-PLGA microparticles within an alginate-pectinate platform for the delivery of nicotine, Neha Singh, Fehmeeda Seedat, Viness Pillay, Joe L. Sweet and Michael P. Danckwerts, Journal of Microencapsulation, 23(2), 153-167, 2006.
  7. Application of synergism and variation in ionic compatibilities within a hydrophilic polymeric sodium starch glycolate-κ-carrageenan combination: Textural profiling of the suspension behavior, Lisa C. du Toit, Viness Pillay and Michael P. Danckwerts, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 21, 107-122, 2006.
Publications 2005
  1. Academia, industry and postgraduate partnerships: Emanation of better science, Yahya E. Choonara, Rupal Patel, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts and David N. Bayever, South African Pharmaceutical Journal, 72, 30-32, 2005.
  2. Optimization and characterization of bioadhesive controlled release tetracycline microspheres, Sueshri Govender, Viness Pillay, Dushendra J. Chetty, Sabiha Y. Essack, Cassim M. Dangor and Thirumala Govender, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 306, 24-40, 2005.
  3. Box-Behnken experimental design in the development of a nasal drug delivery system of model drug hydroxyurea: Characterization of viscosity, in vitro drug release, droplet size and dynamic surface tension, Pankaj Dayal, Viness Pillay R. Jayachandra Babu and Mandip Singh, AAPS PharmSci Tech, 6(4), 2005.
  4. A Bioactive Network Achieving Research Excellence: The Wits Approach, Lisa C. du Toit, Oluwatoyin Kolawole, Viness Pillay and Michael P. Danckwerts, South African Pharmaceutical Journal, 72(9), 22-24, 2005.
  5. Sequential design of a novel PVA-based crosslinked ethylenic homopolymer for extended drug delivery, Viness Pillay, Wilbert Sibanda and Michael P. Danckwerts, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 301:1-2, 89-101, 2005.
  6. Blister packaging: the way of the future, Sibongile Sibambo, Neha Singh, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts and David Bayever, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Review, 32(7), 41-45, 2005.
  7. Preparation of hydroxypropylcellulose membranes using slow ionotropic reactions configured in an experimental design, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts, Raj Bhatt, Robert Setshedi and Rupal Patel, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 20:4, 395-414, 2005.  
  8. Novel modulation of drug delivery using binary zinc-alginate-pectinate polyspheres for zero-order kinetics over several days: Experimental strategy to elucidate the crosslinking mechanism, Viness Pillay, Michael P. Danckwerts, Zayniddin Muhidinov and Reza Fassihi, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 31, 191-207, 2005. 