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Applying for Extra Time

Please note that a student is required to complete a form at the Examinations and Graduation Office (EGO) once his/her application for Extra Time has been assessed and approved at Campus Health.
The student will be notified by letter which the student must present to EGO when filling in the extra-time form. Please click: Extra-time application form to download and complete a form.

  1. Extra time may be extended to students whose proven disability prevents them from completing an assessment in the allotted time.

2. The closing date for applications is April 30 each year except in the case of subsequent onset or occurrence of the disability. Application forms are available in the Faculty Offices, Disability Rights Unit (DRU) and Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC). Students applying for extra time must sign a declaration indicating that:

     a) they agree that the information relating to their disabilities be divulged to the relevant Dean or committee;

    b) they agree to further examination relating to their disabilities should it be considered necessary.

3. The only Unit that can recommend extra time is the CHWC. Extra time will not be granted solely on the basis of a medical certificate from a private practitioner.

4. If the Dean is not satisfied with a recommendation s/he can request a review of the decision. The relevant committee, together with a representative from the School concerned, will review the application. The decision of the review committee will be final.

5. The maximum amount of extra time to be allowed will be 15 minutes per hour (except in the case of blindness or other severe disabilities).

6. Permission for extra time can be withdrawn.

7. Extra time granted for matriculation examinations may not be used as sole evidence in application for extra time at the University. Application to the University in terms of the above procedure must be made.

8. The Faculty Registrar will communicate the Dean’s decision to the student, the appropriate School, department or discipline and course coordinators, EGO, DRU, CHWC, and other relevant Faculty Registrars. The nature of the disability will not be disclosed.

9. The DRU will manage the annual renewal and update of each approved student.

10. Students with chronic disabilities, once they have been fully assessed by the appropriate specialist(s), may be advised to register with the DRU in order for them to make use of the facilities provided by this unit. This will also apply to students with disabilities or injuries that may affect assessments such as performance, production of art works, etc.

11. Students who qualify for extra time must produce their letters of permission at every assessment. Every attempt will be made to provide them with an alternative venue at the same time so as to obviate disturbances to them by students leaving at the normal time.

12. Extra time will not be considered for the following:

     a) illness (a deferred assessment can be applied for if necessary);

     b) slow and illegible handwriting not related to a physical disability;

     c) minor problems, e.g. needing to walk around, stretch, rest the writing hand.

 Disability categories and codes

Note: These are subject to any requirements of the Oracle system

1st digit:

P - Permanent disability

T - Temporary disability

2nd digit:

A - Neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy, cerebral palsy, acute or chronic nerve injuries, hemi-, mono- or quadriplegia, writer's cramp)

B - Musculoskeletal disorder (e.g. muscular dystrophy, trauma to writing limb, fine motor co-ordination)

C - Learning disorder

D - Sensory disorder (e.g. blindness, other eye disorders, deafness)

E - Other (e.g. medication effects, uncontrolled diabetes)

 DRU link for procedures on applying for concession.

