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NRF funding

DSI-NRF Postgraduate Funding for 2024

For helpful slides from our session on how to apply for 2024 funding, please use the link:

Postgrad Funding Opportunities for 2024 presentation PDF

You can also watch our NRF 2024 funding information session via YouTube by clicking the link at the bottom of this page

If you are interested in CoE-MaSS postgraduate funding for 2024, please submit your application to the NRF and make sure that you put our NRF Unique ID (UID) number into your application in the relevant block, so that the NRF can pass your application on to us for consideration: CoE-MaSS Grantholder-linked UID # 91486.

The Centre will not be accepting applications directly. Instead, all CoE applications must be submitted through the NRF One Call Application System. As such, the Centre will not be able to accept any late applications under any circumstances, so if you miss the NRF deadline, you will miss out on the opportunity to secure any 2021 funding from the NRF or CoE-MaSS.

Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that up-to-date information is included on this page, your Institution may change their internal deadlines at any point in time. As such, we request you to be in regular contact with your 2024 Institution’s Research Office or their appropriate office that deals with postgraduate student funding to confirm that no deadlines have changed so that no funding opportunities are missed. The onus is on the Applicant to submit their application correctly and timeously.

The NRF has the final say on any queries relating to their application process.

Your prospective research supervisor should be listed as your Referee and they will need to actively support your application via the NRF online system in order for your application to be academically reviewed by the Centre, hence it is imperative that you work closely with your proposed research supervisor on your application submission.

Other funding opportunities

Any other bursary opportunities that the Centre is made aware of in the MaSS fields will be advertised in the Centre’s weekly newsletter.

For any queries that the CoE cannot assist you with, please contact the NRF Professional Officer dealing with CoE M&PhD Applications, as outlined in the NRF Call Guide document:
Ms Malekgotla Finger
Professional Officer
Research Chairs and Centres of Excellence (RCCE)
+27 12 481 4003
Please CC on all queries.

The NRF has the final say on any queries relating to their application process.
