DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

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The official logos for the DSI-NRF CoE-MaSS can be viewed and saved below.

  • The official DSI logo shows the South Africa crest of the left hand side, and orange and black text on the right hand side. No other formats should be used. All previous DST logos should be replaced with the new DSI logo, as of 2019.
  • The official CoE-MaSS logo is available in landscape layout with the logo on the left hand side, and the name appearing in text on the right hand side. No other formats should be used.

Please ensure that you have obtained written permission from the Centre to use this logo for any research outputs, academic materials, merchandise, etc. for the relevant purposes required.

Should you need to cite funding support from the Centre on any research outputs, kindly use the following format available here: How to cite support from the CoE-MaSS 2019

If you are unsure whether you have included the information correctly in your presentation/publication, please email your draft version to us at the Centre’s email address and we can check it for you.
