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PLS Student Awarded ‘LEAD SA Hero of the Month’

As part of their duties in the Practical Legal Studies (‘PLS’) course, final-year law students are required to work in pairs as student counsellors in the Wits Law Clinic. During the academic year of 2015, Jamie Lee Fong (‘Jamie’), a final-year law student enrolled in the PLS course, chose to become partners with a blind student, namely Aristides Damoulakis (‘Ari’). Together, they were allocated to the labour law unit for the duration of their tenure as student counsellors in the Wits Law Clinic, where they worked under the supervision of Mr Dakalo Singo.

In attending to their clients’ matters, Jamie and Ari were required to carry out the tasks generally required of practising attorneys to resolve their clients’ legal problems. Considering some of the difficulties and limitations that Ari encountered as a blind student in attending to clients’ matters, Jamie played a significant role in assisting him during the course of his tenure at the Wits Law Clinic.

In recognition of her tireless efforts, which went beyond the requirements of the PLS course, Ari nominated Jamie for the ‘LEAD SA Hero of the Month’ award. Following the nomination, Jamie was presented with the award for the month of October 2015.

The Wits Law Clinic congratulates Jamie on her achievement in this regard, and is proud to have had a student counsellor of her calibre making a contribution to the Clinic’s work.