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Selected Publications

Wits is a research intensive university and as such all our staff engage in research activity. A selection of recent publications by our academic staff is as follows:


Journal Papers

S Venkatachalam, K Varghese (2012), “A Case Study Based Testing of Design Interface Management System (diMs)”Journal of Management in Engineering, 2012 ISSN 0742-597X – doi:10.1061(ASCE)  pp. 1 - 35

A Ozumba, C Ozumba (2012), Women in Construction in South Africa:  Investigating the Feminine Footprint of the South African Construction Industry. Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information and Value, Vol.4, Issue 1, ISSN(Online) 2169-0464, ISSN(Print) 1941-191X, pp28-43

S Laryea, “The Nature of Tender Review Meetings.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ISSN (Print) 0733-9364, ISSN (online) 1943-7862 doi 10.1061/(ASCE)CO. 19437862.0000662

L Martin, D Root. “Profiling Emerging Contractors for Effective Transformation in the South African Construction Sector”Journal of Development Southern Africa. Vol. 29, No 2, June 2012. ISSN0376-835X

Ojiako, GU., Chipulu, M., Maguire, S., Akinyemi, B. and Johnson, J. (2012), User adoption of mandatory enterprise technology, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 373 – 391.

Nock, A., Ojiako, GU., Bektas, T. and Chipulu, M.. (2012), CHP and its role in efficient energy production: A feasibility assessment model, Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 546-565.

Maguire, S., Ojiako, GU., Papadopoulos, T., Shafti, F., Koh, SCH and Kanellis, P. (2012).- Synchronicity and Alignment of Productivity: The Real Value from Services Science?. Production Planning & Control, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 498-512

Ojiako, GU; Chipulu, M., and Graesser, A (2012), Correlating service touch-point preferences with engagement parameters, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 112, No. 5, pp. 766-785.

Ojiako, GU. (2012), Using IS/IT to enhance service delivery, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 112, No. 4, pp. 584 – 599.

Papadopoulos, T., Ojiako., GU., Chipulu, M., Lee, K. (2012). The criticality of risk factors in CRM Projects, Project Management Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 65–76

Marshall, A; Chipulu, M., Ojiako, GU., and Ju, C; (2012), Adoption of EVA by Taiwanese financial service organisations, International Journal of the Business Environment, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 193-209.

Ojiako, GU., Marshall, A., Luke, M., and Chipulu, C. (2012). Managing Competition Risk: A critical realist philosophical exploration. Competition & Change, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 130-149.

Ojiako, GU., Maguire, S and Ashleigh, M. (2012). A management perspective on the failure of IS&T projects. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 1-13.

S Azasu. “A Survey of Reward Management Practices in the Swedish Real Estate Sector”, Property Management Journal, Vol 30, No 5, 2012 DOI 10.1108/02637471211273419 pp. 1 - 16

Peer Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings

S Venkatachalam, T Ismail, S Skinner, M Wadvalla Investigating the Application of Information Management System (IMS) during the Construction Stage of Projects in Gauteng”. Second NMMU Construction Management Conference. (Page 49-58), ISBN 978-01-920508-16-6          

L Bikitsha , D Root, X Nghona, S Venkatachalam A Review of Small Contractor Sustainable Growth:  Implication for Entrepreneurial Leadership Approach”. Joint CIB W070, W092, & TG72 International Conference on Facilities Management, Procurement Systems and Public Private Partnership.  pp 1-7 , ISBN 978-0-620-50759-2

A Ozumba, W Shakantu. “ICT in Site Management Process in South Africa” RICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 1189-1196. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7.

A Ozumba. “Fire Safety in Building Usage Conversion in Johannesburg, South Africa”. RICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 1056-1063. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7.

A Ozumba, C Ozumba , Women in Construction in South Africa:  Investigating the Feminine Footprint of the South African Construction IndustryRICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 1008-1015. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7.

K Aduda, A Talukhaba. “Strategic Agility and Programme Organisational Structure for Energy Efficiency Delivery in Buildings”.   RICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 240-248. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7

K Aduda, A Talukhaba. “Transactional Cost Architecture of Lighting Retrofits for South Africa’s Residential Buildings”.  RICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 1040 - 1047. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7.

K Aduda, C Chanshi, R Mabule, L Madonsela.  “Budgeting for Maintenance of University Buildings”.  RICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 568-575. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7.

N Khatleli.  “PPPS for Transitional Economies:  South African Case Study”. RICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 1757-1765. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7.

C Mukucha, M Gede, T Imasiku, R Kgwebane. “Transition from University to the Work Place:  A Case Study of Graduate Employability Skills in the Construction Industry”.  RICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 758-767. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7.

C Mukucha, F Kader, D Govind, A Suliman. “Housing for All:  Development Projects by the Government as a Tool for Creating Employment”. RICS Cobra 2012, Proceedings of the Construction, Building and Real Estate Conference, 11th – 13th September 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  pp 1915-1923. ISBN 978-1-84219-840-7.


2009 - 2011

Refereed Journal Articles

Talukhaba, A. and Taiwo, A. 2009. Knowledge management as a performance tool in construction project management in South Africa, Acta Structilia, Vol 16,No. 1 ISSN 1023-0564.

Talukhaba, A., Acheampong, E., and Miruka, C. 2010. Improving time management in the South African construction industry.  International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management , Vol.2 No 3/4, ISSN 1753 7179,  pp. 327-339

Talukhaba A., Mutunga T. and Miruka C., 2011. Indicators of effective communication. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.3, No.2, ISSN(Online) 17402965, ISSN(Print) 17402891, pp.127-138

Talukhaba A., Sidumedi K. and Miruka C. 2011. The relationship between corporate culture of South Africa construction firms and performance, CMAA-CM e Journal

Chapters in Books

Wafula, J., Aduda, K. andTalukhaba, A. 2011. Energy efficiency in buildings and building control regulations in South Africa. In Green Buildings and the Law. ISBN 90415559263

Conference Papers, Proceedings and Seminars

Aduda, K. and Talukhaba, A. 2009. Procurement, maintenance, and commissioning of HVAC systems in buildings. In proceedings of CIB TG59, people in construction conference, Port Elizabeth- South Africa, 12-14 July, ISBN 978-0-620-44309-8 

Kennedy, I. and Lee,D. 2009. Working together for a collective culture of construction safety.  RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th September 2009, South Africa. pp.181-192 ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2

Mogodi, K., Mosomane, R. and Mukucha, C. 2009. An investigation into the waste management programmes of selected construction sites in Johannesburg. RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th September 2009, South Africa.pp.49-59 ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2

Ngoepe, R., Simelane, M. and Kennedy. I. 2009. How has South African Construction been insulated from the global financial crisis? RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th September 2009, South Africa. pp.1044-1053 ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2,

Nsibande, C. and Pienaar, E. 2009. The Impact of BEE Legislation on Shareprice.RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th September 2009, South Africa. pp.1438 -1445 ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2

Ozumba, A. and Shakantu ,W. 2009. Information and communication technology – based application of ‘just –in-time (JIT) to internal logistics on site.  RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th September 2009, South Africa. pp.447-461 ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2.

Ozumba A and Shakantu W., Balancing site information and communication technology systems with available ICT skills”.  RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th September 2009, South Africa.  ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2, PP 128-137.

Ozumba, A. and Shakantu, W. 2009. Enhancing On-site Communications by Adaptation of Multimedia Systems:  looking into the future of construction.SACQSP 2009 Research Conference, Durban, South Africa. 15 -16 October, pp.60-73.  ISBN:  978-0-86886-793-9

Ozumba, A., Shakantu, W. and Smallwood, J. 2011. Improving People –Centeredness in H&S Risk Management through ICT. CIB TG59 People in Construction Conference 12-14 July 2009, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2.

Talukhaba, A., Lenkwe, E. and Aduda, K. 2009. Energy efficiency policies and programs in the industrial sector in South Africa.  In proceedings of CIB TG59, People in Construction Conference, Port Elizabeth- South Africa, 12-14 July, ISBN 978-0-620-44309-8 

Unkovski, I. and Pienaar, E. 2009. Public Private Partnerships in South Africa:analysis and management of risks. RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th September, South Africa. pp.1081-1093ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2,

Viruly F. 2009. The transformation of the South African built environment – an institutional approach.  RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th SeptemberSouth Africa. pp.566-577ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2

Wafula, J, Aduda, K. and Talukhaba, A. 2009. Energy efficiency in buildings and building regulations and control in local authorities in South Africa” RICS COBRA Research Conference, University of Cape Town, 10-11th September, South Africa.pp.1368-1379ISBN 978-1-84219-519-2.

Aduda, K. and Talukhaba, A. 2010. Maintenance for energy efficiency in South Africa’s library buildings. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9,

Mukucha, C., Mphethi, R. and Maluleke, M. 2010. The impact of global economic recession on the construction industry of South Africa. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9,

Nkado, R.  2010. Cost Escalation of Major Infrastructure Projects: A Case Study of Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg. Proceedings of West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference. July 27-28, 2010, Accra, Ghana, ISBN978-0-9566060-0-6

Ozumba, A., Ata O., Oburo, N. and David N, 2010. Cutting edge technology for construction ICT in a developing country. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference(COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Ozumba, A., Dlamin, T. and Shakantu, W. 2010. Information and communication technology education within South African built environment schools. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Ozumba A., Ozumba C., Thwala B. and Shakantu W. 2010.  Gender related policies, legislations, interventions, and women’s employment in the South African construction industry. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Ozumba A., Udeh, C. and Shakantu W. 2010. Indigenous iron technology evolution: lessons from Uzu culture of Awka in Nigeria. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Papo, M., Qwabe, L, and Ozumba, A. 2010. Capstone pogrammes in South African schools of construction. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Sibiya, P. and Ozumba A. 2010. Gentrification in the former black townships: The case of Soweto in South Africa. In Proceedings of the South African Council for Quantity Surveying Profession (SACQSP). P8 Summit conference (October) ISBN: 978-0-620-48105-2.

Talukhaba, A., Aduda, K. and Simbai, C. 2010. Viability of the use of photovoltaic technology in buildings in South Africa. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference(COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Wafula, J. and Talukhaba, A. 2010. Retrofits and renewals in buildings for energy efficiency and building regulations and control in local authorities in South Africa. In Proceedings of RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA), Paris, France ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Aduda, K. and Ozumba, AOU 2011. Water Conservation Technologies in South Africa’s buildings. Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA). The 6th Built Environment Conference. pp.241-251, ISBN 978-0-86970-713-5

Aduda, K. and Talukhaba, A.2011. Towards ‘Programmified’ Structures in Eskom’s IDM Programme for Residential Buildings. NMMU Construction Management 40 Conference. pp.31-38, ISBN978-1-920508-04-3

Akakandelwa, N “Real Option Valuation of Development Land in Windhoek”. African Real Estate Society (AFRES) 11th Annual Afres Conference, pp.1-18, ISBN

Bikitsha, L. and Root, D. 2011. Evaluating the Effective Entrepreneurial Leadership Approach For Small Contractor Growth. In proceedings of 7th cidb Post Graduate Conference on Construction Industry Development pp.203-213, ISBN 978-0-620-51438-5

Khatleli, N. 2011. Design or Default?: Assessment of South Africa’s Corporate Social Responsibility from a PPP point of view. In proceedings of RICS Construction and Property Conference (COBRA 2011). ISBN 978-1-907842-19-1

Lekarapa, M.and Root, D. 2011. Investigating Informal Social Networks Among Construction Artisans In South Africa. In proceedings of 7th cidb Post Graduate Conference on Construction Industry Development, pp.91-99, ISBN 978-0-620-51438-5

Morulane, J., Ntsamai, K.and Ozumba, AOU.2011. Investigating Possible Communication Problems in the Building Team during the Construction Phase”. Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA). The 6th Built Environment Conferencepp.315-332, ISBN 978-0-86970-713-5

Mukucha, C, and Museisi, K.2011. An Investigation into Informal Settlement Upgrading Programmes in South Africa. In proceedings of the RICS Construction and Property Conference (COBRA 2011), ISBN978-1-907842-19-1

Wafula, J., and Talukhaba, A. 2011. Re-writing Local Authorities Building Control Regulations to Foster Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment in South Africa: The case of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan municipality. In proceedings of the RICS Construction and Property Conference (COBRA 2011), pp.390-408, ISBN 978-1-907842-19-1
