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The redistributive and regulatory role of the state

When: Tuesday, 15 November 2022 - Tuesday, 15 November 2022
Where: Online Event
Start time:15:30



Cost: Free but registration is required

Join Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS) & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) for the redistributive and regulatory role of the state webinar on 15 Nov

Please join our panel of distinguished speakers Prof Sarah Cook (Southern Centre for Inequality Studies), Dr Abigail Osiki (University of the Western Cape), Ms Mery Laura Perdomo Ospina (ILAW Network), and  Dr Ruth Caste-Branco (Southern Centre for Inequality Studies) as they discuss among others: 

  • How social policy can respond to the changing world of work(ers)?
  • How the state can extend public services and social protections to historically marginalized sectors?
  • What are the possibilities and limitations of the redistributive role of the state?

Ms Seipati Mokhema (Southern Centre for Inequality Studies) will chair what promises to be a robust engagement

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