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Webinar 4: Philosophy in qualitative health research.

When: Thursday, 18 November 2021 - Thursday, 18 November 2021
Where: Online Event
Start time:14:00

011 717 2680


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Qualitative Health Research Series Webinar 4: Philosophy in qualitative health research.

The aim of this webinar is to alleviate fears and confusion around philosophical dimensions of qualitative research. How do we approach reality or knowledge differently in different paradigms? What implications does this have for our research, and how do we choose the most relevant paths for our qualitative studies?



Dr Chellappoo is a Lecturer in Philosophy at the Open University in the UK. Her current research interrogates the conceptualisation of race and fatness in contemporary biomedical science. Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the “The Return of the Organism in the Biosciences” group at Ruhr Universität Bochum, and completed her PhD in the History & Philosophy of Science Department at the University of Cambridge.


Dr Mukumbang is an Acting Assistant Professor in Implementation Sciences at the School of Global Health, University of Washington. He holds a PhD in Public Health from the University of Western Cape in South Africa. He is specialized in health policy and systems research with a particular interest in complexity-sensitive approaches and theories, including realist evaluation of health interventions.

About the Qualitative Health Research Series:

This 6-part series is open to anyone interested in qualitative health research in African settings. Its mission is to be a respectful and constructive online forum for sharing experiences, advancing methodological discussions, networking and supporting qualitative researchers. Meetings will take place once a month via Zoom, allowing a wide audience to connect and listen. Each session will comprise of a presentation followed by a group discussion, practical case reviews and useful tips. These sessions will be recorded and converted afterwards into online self-directed learning resources.

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