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Academic Role

When: Tuesday, 18 October 2022
Where: Online Event
Start time:8:30

Given the continuous change and those especially associated with the shifts to remote learning and teaching, within the Higher Education sector and its influence on the academic role within universities, there is a need for academics to unpack and explore their changing academic roles. This interactive workshop aims to bridge the age-old teaching and research divide that exists within universities, specifically research-intensive institutions. The workshop will introduce academics to the basic principles of their academic role within the South African higher education sector and within Wits in particular. The focus will then shift to academics exploring their scholarship through their learning and teaching role within a faculty. 

The university teacher has an important and demanding role to play in the process of supporting student learning through the design of learning and teaching contexts in which students can learn most effectively. 

The teaching role within the Wits context, has many dimensions: providing a broad context of knowledge; helping students to understand, locate and create personally and contextually relevant meaning of the knowledge; providing a learning environment that encourages students to think critically, solve problems and to be able to communicate in the language of the discipline or knowledge and it involves ongoing reflection on their practice. It also requires teachers to help students set and achieve their own aims through commitment and being responsible for their own learning. 

The experiential learning activities within the workshop is designed so that the academic will engage with the academic role within the higher education sector. Principles of facilitating for learning to occur includes: 

• principles of learning 

• an overview of curriculum knowledge and blended learning experience design 

• an overview of assessment 

• embedding writing within the curriculum 

• a micro teaching session (a scaled down teaching session), and 

• feedback as well as reflective practice. 

The aim of the workshop is to encourage lecturers to take up their teaching role in a scholarly manner with creativity, enthusiasm, and self-reflection. 


Who should attend? 

New academics, early career academics or academics who have been at Wits for a while and who would like to improve their learning and teaching environments. Numbers are limited, and early booking is advised. Attendance is expected for all sessions. 


Date: 18 - 20 & 24 October 2022 and 25 January 2023

Time: 08:30 - 16:00

Venue: Online (Meeting link will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed)

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