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Alumni Webinar with Joanne Joseph

When: Thursday, 24 February 2022 - Thursday, 24 February 2022
Where: Off campus
Start time:16:00


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State of Affairs with Joanne Joseph

Wits alumna Joanne Joseph (BA 2000, BA Hons 2001, MA 2008) is a respected South African journalist and bestselling author, with over 20 years of experience. Not only has she hosted prominent radio and television shows for major broadcasters, but her debut book Drug Muled: Sixteen Years in a Thai Prison (Jacana, 2013) sold over 10 000 copies. Her latest work of fiction Children of Sugarcane (Jonathan Ball, 2021) is set against the backdrop of 19th century India and the British-owned sugar plantations of Natal. It shines a light on women indentured labourers.

She’ll be in conversation with Professor Dilip Menon, director at the Centre for Indian Studies in Africa and Mellon Chair in Indian Studies at Wits.





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