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Ground Zero //O (or to die)

When: Wednesday, 26 October 2022 - Saturday, 29 October 2022
Where: Wits Theatre
Start time:19:00

Lerato Sekele

Thought provoking production offering an opportunity for introspection and communal reflection.

Ground Zero //O (or to die) is a fragmentary site-specific production that engages with themes of violence, genocide, and oppression. Ground Zero //O in a sense is a metaphorical and fragmentary “dream” that demonstrate how the themes in this work creatively served as an instrument for cultural extinction. Dreams in this production serve as sporadic “bursts or streams of consciousness” to explore the involuntary surfacing, ebb and flow as well as the manifestation of trauma through the body. The production also engages with how embodied trauma is historically situated and carried forward from generation to generation.

Ground Zero //O is therefore a non-linear, montage driven, and best seen as bursts of consciousness that scaffolds seemingly mundane and random moments of being against the backdrop of an absurd experience where violence becomes common and is normalised through routine and ritual. The production provokes questions, poses no solutions, and offers opportunity for introspection and communal reflection.

Full Price: R120

Students, pensioner and Wits staff price: R100

Tickets sold at Wits Theatre box office

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