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Learn how to tell election and other stories with data

When: Monday, 04 July 2016 - Friday, 08 July 2016
Start time:8:30

Linda Sowden on (011) 717-4794 or  or Professor Franz Krüger at


Wits Journalism offers a special five-day Data Journalism course, which will equip journalists with a range of data skills and knowledge of the field.

The course will be structured around project work that aims to produce publishable results. The week will focus on the upcoming elections and include participants generating story ideas that they will pitch to a panel of editors at the end of the week.

Participants will also learn about a global network of working journalists undertaking data-driven work.

The course will be coordinated by Anina Mumm, a science communication and digital media specialist, and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, a US investigative journalist who has run similar exercises in several countries. 

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