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Comparative knowledges: Critical insights or tools of oppression?

When: Tuesday, 26 July 2016 - Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Where: Off campus
CISA Committee Room, 36 Jorissen Street, Braamfontein
Start time:14:00

Professor Gillian Hart, Associate at the Center for Indian Studies in Africa and will present this lecture.

Hart is also a Professor of the Graduate School at University of California and shewill be giving a series of four seminars between July and October 2016.

In this first seminar, she will critically revisit some of her earlier work and suggest how the concept/method of relational comparison needs to be revised in relation to her more recent research interests as well as changing circumstances.

She will also reflect more broadly on how questions of comparison are always at play in the theories we use to think about and act in the world; on how more often than not they operate in deeply problematic ways; and on how a different approach to comparison might contribute to more critically enabling forms of knowledge production.

The seminars are designed primarily for post-graduate students, and Hart will be holding office hours on 27 – 28 July to meet individually with interested students to talk about their research projects and what they would like to get from the seminar series.

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