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Wednesday, 01 August 2018 - Friday, 31 August 2018

Former mayor of Johannesburg and President of the South African Local Government Association, Parks Tau, will present this seminar.
In celebration of Women’s Month 2018, Wits Business School will host four dynamic businesswomen for a panel discussion.
Joberg Derby Day. Biggest game of the year.
The Wits Ultimate Frisbee Club have won the right to host this years Open's and Women's Nationals.
Alexandra Parker and Samkelisiwe Khanyile from the Gauteng City-Region Observatory will present this seminar in the Faces of the City series.
This critical thinking forum will highlight the knowledge production on diverse sexual orientations and gender identity.
Dr Gareth Roberts from the School of Economic and Business Sciences at Wits will present this talk based on a paper.
The Wits School of Arts Film and Television Division will host a preview screening of extracts from Farwell Ella Bella.
This path-breaking book explores the reasons behind the increasingly assertive politics of custom in many corners of Africa.
The Witsies take on the Defending Champions at home.