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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 - Thursday, 31 May 2018

Liv Tørres, Adjunct Professor at the Wits School of Governance and the Executive Director of the Nobel Peace Centre in Oslo, will present this seminar.
The Wits Evolutionary Studies Institute and University of Bergen's SFF Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour have collaborated on "Origins of Sapiens Behaviour".
The psychological impact of the Life Esidimeni human rights violation and the role of expressive arts therapies.
The Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS) will host a discussion on the World Inequality Report.
Christiaan Hattingh from MyBucks will present this mathematical statistics seminar.
This new book provides the first in-depth reference for understanding and treating patients of human albinism in Africa.
Artificial intelligence, robotics, biotech: how will humans adapt to a fast-changing world in which we are more connected through technology?
The Centre will be actively involved in providing digital access to Wits' intellectual, social, economic and creative activities.
As part of a Women in Sport initiative Wits Rugby will be launching a series of training sessions for women interested in playing rugby.
Mental health, human rights and the role of the arts - a conversation with Gregory Maqoma.