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Wednesday, 01 March 2017 - Friday, 31 March 2017

The Centre for Indian Studies will host postdoctoral fellow Dr Walter Matina to present this seminar on the struggles of service deliveries for foreigners.
New York Round Midnight features a 9-piece band and includes a set and narration telling the story of jazz in New York City.
The Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics hosts Ethics Alive Week 2017.
The School of Human Geography will host Professor Erik Swyngedouw from Manchester to present three talks, one of which will be with Dr Henrik Ernstson from UCT.
The inaugural lecture of Professor Kate Cockcroft will shed light on the above topic.
The School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies will host Freddy Bangalesa to present this Geospatial Science seminar series
Join us for the Wednesday Lunch Hour Concerts brought to you by the Wits Theatre and Wits School of Arts/Division of Music.
Acts Continued will host a Career Night with successful corporate executives to talk about their formula for success.
Wits University Press and the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research will host the launch of Michael Neocosmos' book.
Famelab 2017 contestants will convey a scientific concept of their choice in just three-minutes.